Panic (Levi x Pregnant Reader)

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Author's Note: This is technically an "Endure" prequel, but you don't have to read "Endure" in order to understand it. Enjoy!

"Have any of you brats seen (f/n)?"

"No, sir!"

Levi growled softly. He hadn't seen you since this morning, which was rather odd. You weren't in your office, or in the mess hall, or in the stables. You weren't even with your squad when Levi tracked them down on the training grounds.

"But she's your commanding officer," he muttered. "You must have some idea of where she is."

The members of your squad all displayed varying expressions of confusion. "We don't," your lieutenant informed Levi. "We haven't seen her all day. She didn't even leave instructions for us."

Just then, Mikasa approached and saluted to your lieutenant. "Sir, I have a message from Captain (f/n). She's been called away, so she wants you all to follow your normal routine until she returns."

Your subordinates looked wary, but they mumbled their acknowledgement anyway.

"Oi," Levi hissed to Mikasa as the other soldiers walked away, "where is (f/n)?"

Surprisingly, the stoic girl seemed uncomfortable at the question. "She...had to go away for a bit," Mikasa replied.

"Where?" he insisted impatiently.

Mikasa's lips pressed into a thin line. "I can't tell you."

Levi's eyes narrowed, and he had to resist the urge to grab her by the collar. "Why not?"

"Captain (f/n) made me swear not to tell."

Levi's anger disappeared instantly as icy shock filled his veins. "What?" he breathed.

Mikasa remained silent.

"How long will she be gone?" Levi asked, trying to keep his voice level.

"I don't know," Mikasa replied. "Maybe a couple of days...or more..."

He didn't like this. Something felt very, very wrong. You weren't one to just get up and leave – not without telling him. "Can you at least tell me why?" he muttered.

Mikasa looked askance. "She...has to figure some things out."

Levi's heart dropped into his stomach. "Is she...?" He couldn't even make himself say it. It was unthinkable.

Normally, Mikasa exhibited an intense dislike for Levi. However, upon seeing his pained expression, she seemed to take pity on him. "She's not leaving, if that's what you think. She just needs some time to herself. That's all."

Levi sighed. Of course, he couldn't help but worry. You were his wife, the woman he loved above all else. If something was wrong... "Is she okay?" he asked.

"I think she will be," Mikasa replied.

Levi gritted his teeth. "What does that mean?"

But apparently, Mikasa could say no more.


Even though there was nothing left in your stomach, you continued to dry heave into the trash can. It was already the third such episode today. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop the nauseous feeling that had consumed you for the past two days, brought on by your inconsolable anxiety.

Or maybe it was morning sickness.

Or both.

You didn't know.

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