Bruises (Underground Levi x Reader)

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It was too easy.

The plan went exactly as expected. You had been in the club all evening, charming visitors just like the rest of the scantily-clad women. You never stayed at one table too long, and if someone started getting handsy, you would politely untangle yourself and move on. After all, you weren't here for just anybody.

You appeared not to notice when your target entered, though you marked his every movement as he took a seat in the back corner of the room. You casually worked your way over, no more than a wench making her rounds, until you arrived at his table. Getting him to leave with you had been a piece of cake. With one look at your lithe body, he was yours.

At least, that's what you thought.

The plan had been simple: get him alone, knock him out, swipe the prize. However, as soon as you slipped into the deserted alley, he shoved you against the wall, wrapping his hands around your throat. He had known – somehow, he had known that you had come to steal the gold ring he carried in his pocket. And he was not happy about it.

It was him or you. As your vision started to darken, you desperately grabbed your knife and slashed. The target hit the ground, blood burbling from his mouth and throat. You stayed pressed against the wall, frozen with shock, and watched as he choked on a sea of red.

Minutes felt like hours, until you at last snapped free of your trance. Slipping your hand inside his jacket, you pulled out a small brown parcel, tied with a bow. After confirming that the ring was inside, you retrieved a long coat that you had stashed behind some barrels and wrapped it tightly around yourself. You left the body where it was. Down here, no one would bat an eye at one more bloody corpse.

Exhausted, you began the long trek home. It wasn't far, but you had to double-back a few times to make sure you weren't being followed.

It was late when you finally walked through the door. Not that time meant much – it was always dark in the Underground City. At the click of the lock, Levi and Farlan looked up from where they were seated in the living room.

"Hey, (f/n)! How'd it go?" Farlan chimed in an attempt to sound casual. It didn't work. You could tell how worried they had been.

You clutched the collar of your coat tightly around your neck, hiding the dark bruise that was already spreading across your skin. "Fine," you lied, trying to mask the scratchiness in your voice. You dropped the package on the table as you headed straight for your room. So much trouble for such a little thing – although apparently, it was worth a lot to someone. "I'm going to bed."

Safely inside your bedroom, you released your collar and let out a breath. If Levi and Farlan found out just how close you had come to death, they would never let you help again. You knew they were protective because they cared about you, and they didn't expect you to join them on their jobs. However, if you were going to stay with them, you wanted to pull your own weight. You didn't want their charity.

You trudged into the small washroom that was connected to your bedroom. Eager to scrub away the feeling of an entire club's hands on you, you filled the bathtub with hot water. Then you returned to your bedroom to grab a clean set of nightclothes.

"What the hell?" Levi barked, and you jumped.

The water must have masked the sound of him entering your room. Clearly, he hadn't bought your act earlier and had decided to check on you.

Levi was glaring at you, or more specifically, at the hand-shaped bruises around your throat...

You grasped at your collar in an attempt to cover yourself. "'s nothing," you stuttered.

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