Sleeping with the Enemy (Levi x Titan Shifter Reader)

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"Reiner! What are you doing here?" you hissed, frantically checking to make sure that you two were alone. "If someone sees you, you could get killed!"

"Don't worry about me," he muttered. "We have orders for you."

You sighed. "And what would those be?"

"We know the Scouts are going to Shiganshina soon," he stated. "We'll be there waiting for them, including the War Chief."

"Zeke?" you breathed, slightly in awe. Zeke was a legend among the warriors. You had seen him in action briefly when he turned some of Wall Rose's citizens into titans, and his skills had surpassed all expectations.

Reiner nodded. "There's just one problem – Captain Levi. He's the only one who poses a threat to our War Chief. So we need you to kill him before the battle."

Your breath hitched. "Kill Captain Levi?" you whispered. "Are you insane? I could never win against him, even as a titan!"

"So get him to let his guard down," Reiner said nonchalantly.

You scoffed. "And how exactly am I supposed to do that?"

Reiner shrugged. "Seduce him."

"W-what?" you stammered, your jaw dropping to the floor. "You can't be serious!"

Reiner's level gaze told you that he most certainly was. "Do you have any better suggestions?"

"W-well...just...n-not that!" you hissed. "Besides, have you ever seen Captain Levi show interest in anyone? The man is practically asexual!"

"So work your magic," Reiner grumbled.

"But I..." You trailed off, knowing that you couldn't tell Reiner the truth. On top of the sheer impossibility of the task, you actually liked Captain Levi. You knew that you shouldn't, that he was your enemy, but you couldn't help it.

At Commander Erwin's request, Levi had trained you up a bit after you joined the Scouts. Even though he seemed cold initially, he was actually very kind to you, in his own way. And he had already saved your life twice. How could you hate him after that? How were you supposed to believe that he was a devil – that any of these people were?

"Look," Reiner said, "do you want to go home or not?"

You backed down a bit, cowed by his words. "Of course, I do," you murmured.

"Then follow orders. We're so close, (f/n). We'll capture Eren in Shiganshina, and then we can finally get out of this hellhole. But we need Captain Levi out of the way, and you're the only one in a position to make that happen." Reiner placed a hand on your shoulder. "Can we count on you?"

You swallowed. "Yes," you stated. "I'll do it."


You knocked on Levi's door, your heart pounding so intensely that you could practically hear it. You were all too aware of the knife in your pocket.

"Who is it?" a familiar voice grumbled.

You cleared your throat, trying to remain composed. "It's me. (F/n). I brought some tea."

"Come in."

You pushed the door open, discreetly locking it behind you. Then you made your way over to his desk and set the tray down.

"Thanks, brat," Levi grumbled, reaching for the pot.

You swallowed, bracing yourself for what you were about to do. Before Levi could grasp the handle, you leaned over and placed your hand on the pot. "I'll do that," you purred.

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