Adjustment (Alpha Levi x Omega Reader)

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Author's Note: This one's a bit saucer than usual, but I promise there is no smut. And just to be clear, there will never be actual smut in this book, because I would be waaaaay too embarrassed. Gomen.

It was that time of day when the café started to get busy. You were working hard to keep up with the constant flow of orders, switching back and forth between making drinks and waiting on tables. However, you paused when you detected a captivating, uncommonly sweet scent in the air – different from the mix of coffee and freshly baked bread that usually wafted around the café.

"Do you smell that?" you asked your coworker curiously.

She shrugged. "What, the coffee?"

"No..." you replied thoughtfully, trying to put your finger on it. "It's sort of like bread, but sweeter. Did we bake something new today?"

"I don't think so. By the way, could you take this tea to table five? It's for the guy with black hair."

"Sure thing," you chimed, setting the teacup on a tray before scooting out from behind the counter.

As you approached the table, you noticed that everyone sitting there was wearing military uniforms – Scouts, judging by the wings on their backs. They were the ones who went outside the Walls, trying to free humanity from the titans. You personally admired their mission, but you could never bring yourself to join them – and not because you weren't brave enough.

You were an omega – arguably the most difficult biological class to fall into. Nature had selected you to be one of the few who continued the species by bearing children. Thus, every three months, your body went into heat, emitting pheromones that would attract any alpha in the area. All your energy was channeled into reproduction, meaning that you would be too weak to fight back if anyone tried to force you – and there were an unfortunate number of alphas who would do just that, once they scented your heat. Thus, you would have to lock yourself in your apartment for days, waiting until your body was finally back to normal.

Given that, you needed an easy job that would let you take time off whenever your heat cycle hit. There was no way you could deal with the demanding schedule of a soldier. Besides, because omegas were designated to raise children, it was in your nature to be nurturing, gentle, and submissive – not exactly prime qualities for a career in violence.

Alphas and betas were much more suited to that sort of thing. Alphas were the dominant, assertive members of society. Their natural tendency toward aggression made them excellent fighters, and their natural gifts for leadership made them prime officer candidates. Meanwhile, betas were calmer and more prone to thinking things through – making them excellent advisors. Although some held high-ranking leadership positions, most were content to act as support for alphas. This easygoing demeanor was a welcome balance to the alphas' hot-tempered attitudes, and because they often found themselves in the middle of arguments, they were quite skilled at smoothing things over.

One more trait made alphas and betas ideal for military life – namely, that they would never go into heat. Alphas couldn't even bear children at all, requiring an omega in order to reproduce. Meanwhile, betas could only breed with each other. It was a strange biological system, but one thing was clear: you definitely got the short end of the stick. However, you didn't mind it so much. You were content with your life, and as long as you could keep yourself safe during your heat cycles, you didn't have much to worry about.

When you arrived at the table, you noticed that the sweet scent from earlier had grown stronger. However, you brushed it off, instead focusing on the head of black hair your coworker had indicated. "Here you go! Plain black tea!" you chimed, carefully placing the teacup in front of the soldier.

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