Resolve (Levi x Pregnant Reader)

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Author's Note: While this story is partially based on fact, it should not be taken as advice or encouragement to give birth without the help of medical professionals. Always follow the instructions of your doctor. And speaking of giving birth, this story describes the process in some detail, without getting too intense. However, if you think it will bother you, please don't read it.

It was all hands on deck as the military hospital just inside of Wall Rose was flooded with patients after the Colossal Titan broke through Trost's outer gate. To make matters worse, everyone had to be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice, if the Armored Titan smashed through the inner gate like last time. And, as if that wasn't enough, you were trying to perform your duties as a military doctor while you were almost nine months pregnant.

Your superior would have sent you home, but you insisted on staying, arguing that the hospital needed all the help it could get. On top of that, you had another reason for wanting to stay, one that you didn't voice. Your husband was currently on a mission with the Scouts, and you didn't know if he was still somewhere within wall Maria, or if he had returned to find Trost in chaos. Either way, Levi was probably fighting right now, and while he was the strongest man alive, you couldn't help but worry about him. Thus, you needed to work in order to take your mind off of more stressful things.

Eventually, you were allowed to check patients in at the front desk, where you could remain relatively stationary so as not to overexert your body. Your superior tried to convince you to sit down, but your stomach had been bothering you a bit, and you found that standing helped. You didn't think anything of it, because by this stage of your pregnancy, all sorts of aches and cramps were commonplace.

But this was different.

Your breath caught when you felt your water break. Instinctively, your hand flew to your swollen belly as your eyes went wide. Not now...

"(F/n)?" one of your comrades asked worriedly, having noticed your distress.

You took a breath, quickly pulling yourself together. Now was not the time to panic. This baby was coming, and you would have to deliver it. Plain and simple.

You looked her in the eyes and stated calmly, "I'm going into labor. Can you handle things here?"

Her jaw fell open. "Y-yeah..." she stammered, clearly trying to control her own dread. She was also acutely aware that this was the worst possible time to be giving birth. "But...don't you need help? Should I call one of the other doctors –"

"No," you insisted. "They have their hands full as it is. I'll be fine on my own. Just..." You hesitated, trying not to let fear overcome you at the thought of the worst-case scenario. "...come get me if the evacuation order is given. I'll be in room twenty-three."

She nodded, and you waddled off.

You hadn't been lying when you said you could manage on your own. Even though this was your first child, you had assisted with many births in the past, and you knew how it was done. Moreover, your prior checkups had indicated that yours was a low-risk pregnancy, so it was unlikely that you would run into issues that required outside assistance. Birth was a natural process, and the body instinctively knew what to do. You just had to let it.

You flipped the sign on room twenty-three's door to "occupied", but you left the door unlocked, just in case. You changed into a hospital gown, washed your hands thoroughly, and then set yourself up with a bucket of warm water and several clean towels. Occasionally, you felt a contraction, but they were few and far between. You were in for a long labor – as was typical for the first pregnancy.

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