Part of Your World (Siren Levi x Reader AU)

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Levi could feel the blood trickling from his body, his life along with it. He could feel the pain of the harpoon piercing his tail. He wanted to pull it out, but the iron weakened him, made it impossible to even move.

His vision darkened as the current carried him – to where, he didn't know. He felt the cool kiss of air when he broke the surface, floating on the salty waves. Their embrace was so gentle, rocking him back and forth, lulling him to sleep.

Just as he was about to let go, he heard a voice on the wind. Its sound was more beautiful than anything Levi had ever heard, even from a siren. He closed his eyes, savoring that music. And he thought that perhaps this – cradled by the sea and comforted by a song – wouldn't be a bad way to die at all.

He felt the rough brush of sand on his back as the current pushed him ashore.

A few moments later, the singing stopped. Then, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?"

Levi felt the soft touch of fingertips on his face, but he was too far gone to open his eyes. The only thing he could do was wish for the song to start again. He wanted to hear it as he fell asleep.

The sea pulled back, exposing the rest of his body to the air.

"'re a...a..."

Levi's world faded into nothingness.


You sat on the floor of your bathroom, dabbing the male's face with a wet cloth. You had done this every so often for the past few days, although you weren't sure if it helped. But you felt like you had to do something, rather than just leaving him unconscious in your bathtub.

As you tended him, you couldn't stop yourself from once again admiring his ethereal beauty. His black hair practically shone, and when you carefully brushed it back from his forehead, it felt smooth as silk between your fingers. Your eyes skimmed over his pointed ears, his delicate face, his sharp jaw.

You paused at his soft, thin lips. You remembered pulling them back the first night, only to find teeth sharpened to points, just like a shark's. You had instantly let go, though you were more curious than afraid.

Your eyes drifted down his muscular arms and the light-blue fins that ran along them. Then you came to his hands. His long, thin fingers ended in nails that were just as sharp as his teeth. You were more inclined to think of them as claws.

You took in his chest, then his chiseled abdomen, until his pale skin was replaced by smooth, light-blue scales. You hadn't believed the legends when you first arrived in this small, seaside town, but as you looked at the tail – the tail – so long that it hung over the edge of your bathtub, you knew.

Sirens were real. And you had just rescued one.

Not long after you resumed dabbing his forehead, a small groan escaped his lips. His face scrunched up as he entered consciousness. Despite knowing that sirens were predators, you couldn't help thinking that he looked cute.

The male opened his eyes. They were breathtaking – sharp as his teeth and blue as ice. You realized how sailors could get lost in such eyes.

Then those piercing eyes locked on you. "What are you doing, human?"

God help you. Even his voice was attractive – deep and cold as the sea itself.

You quickly pulled the cloth away. "I...well, I...I was just trying to help," you stammered.

The male scoffed, then glanced around your bathroom. He seemed not to think of you as any more than an insect on the ground.

Once he had given the space a thorough sweep, he returned his attention to you. "Where am I, human? And how did I get here?"

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