More (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! I've seen a lot of comments on this book by ladies who have been told some mean and untrue things because they can't / don't want to have children. If anyone has ever said such things to you, or if you've ever felt such things, whether you've left a comment or not, this story is dedicated to you. You are more than a set of reproductive organs.

You awoke in what appeared to be a hospital room, unable to remember how you had gotten there. Your head ached faintly, and you felt a dull pain in your lower abdomen that got worse when you moved. As you looked around, your gaze found your mother, sitting in a chair next to your bed. When she saw that your eyes were open, she gasped in delight.

"Oh, thank goodness! You're finally awake!" she chimed. "I was so worried when your squad leader told me that you'd been hurt! How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," you lied, not wanting to worry her further. As you worked your way into a seated position, you continued, "How long was I out?"

Her expression tightened. "About two days, but that was partly because the doctors had to anesthetize you so that they could perform surgery."

"Oh," you murmured. You absently placed a hand over your bandaged abdomen, remembering all the blood you had seen soaking your uniform before you hit your head and blacked out.

It had been your first expedition outside the Walls with the Scout Regiment. You had heard that their missions were dangerous, you had read the death tolls, but...seeing it was entirely different. Real titans were much, much worse than training dummies.

"It's a good thing that Section Commander Smith was there," your mother murmured with a soft smile. "They say he saved your life."

"Oh," you repeated, feeling a twinge of embarrassment along with your gratitude. You really looked up to the charismatic section commander, and thus, you wanted to be seen as useful in his eyes. However, this incident made you feel more like a burden.

Oblivious to your dismay, your mother's smile curled into a conspiratorial smirk. "You know, he's quite handsome, and charming. Perhaps the two of you could –"

She was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. A moment later, a woman dressed in a white lab coat entered the room, clipboard in hand. You assumed that she was the doctor.

"Ah, you're awake," she said with a kind smile. "How are you feeling, Cadet (l/n)?"

"Fine," you lied again.

The woman pulled up a chair on the opposite side of the bed from your mother. "That's good to hear. I'm Doctor Vane, and I was in charge of your surgery. Now that you're awake, I'd like to discuss the results with you."

Your blood ran cold as a million possibilities flooded your mind – and none of them were comforting. What if something was irreparably wrong with you? What if you couldn't fight anymore? What if...?

"Given that you are legally an adult," the doctor continued, interrupting your thoughts, "you can choose whether you would like to hear the results alone. It's up to you."

You understood what she meant – that you no longer had to have your parental guardian with you, that you could tell your mother to leave if you wanted. However, you felt better with her there. "I want my mom to stay," you muttered quietly.

Your mother gave you a small smile, and she held your hand reassuringly.

Doctor Vane nodded. "Very well. In that case, I'll say that you were very lucky, Cadet. Nothing essential was lost, and as long as you rest up properly, you should be able to return to your military duties within a month or two."

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