Dance Lessons (Levi x Reader)

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Levi's day was ruined, and he hadn't even finished breakfast yet.

During the meal, Commander Erwin announced an upcoming military ball to celebrate the Trost victory. "All of you will be expected to dance," the commander had informed them. "If you don't know how, I suggest finding one of your fellow soldiers to teach you."

Levi rolled his eyes. Dammit, Erwin. Of all the things...

"Why the long face, Levi?" Hanji chuckled next to him. "Does Humanity's Strongest not know how to dance?"

"Tch. It's not like I've ever had a reason to," Levi snapped in response.

"Hey," Hanji chimed, "you should ask (f/n) to teach you. She's the best dancer in the whole regiment, if not the entire military."

Levi averted his gaze, fighting the warmth that had risen to his cheeks at the mention of (f/n). She had been his close friend for years. Somewhere in that time, and despite his best efforts, Levi had fallen for her – hard. Hanji had figured it out, and she took every opportunity to push them together.

"I'm not asking her," Levi grumbled.

Hanji ignored him. "Oh look, here she is now. Hey, (f/n)!"

Levi tried to clap a hand over Hanji's big mouth, but it was too late. (F/n) paused by their table on her way out of the mess hall.

"What's up, Hanji?" she asked.

"Levi's never danced before. Would you teach him how?"

(F/n) turned her gaze to Levi. He hesitantly met her breathtaking (e/c) eyes, unsure of what would be worse – if she said no, or if she said yes.

(F/n) smiled at him, and his heart dropped into his stomach. "Of course! Meet me in the ballroom tonight after dinner. Okay?"

Unable to voice a response, Levi merely nodded, keeping his expression neutral.

Once (f/n) was gone, he whirled on Hanji. "What the hell, Four-eyes?"

Hanji held up her hands defensively. "Easy there, Shorty. I'm doing you a favor. This your chance to get up close and personal with (f/n)." Hanji's voice took on a dreamy tone. "Just think, you'll get to put your arms around her, and she'll be holding onto you –"

Levi growled in warning. Hanji laughed and scurried away before he could decide to hit her with a chair.


"Okay, there are three days until the ball," (f/n) told him that evening. "We should have plenty of time to get you ready."

They stood, alone, in the giant ballroom at the Scouts' headquarters. No one ever actually used it for anything, so Levi had never been in here before. It was quite grand, with mirrors lining one wall and tall windows lining the other.

"Basically all of the dances will be Viennese waltz," (f/n) continued, "so that's what we'll focus on. Now, before we start, are you okay with me touching you?"

The question caught Levi completely off-guard. "What?" he sputtered, fighting to keep his composure.

"When we dance," (f/n) clarified. "I'll also need to adjust your frame so you know how it should feel. I know it's kind of obvious that we would touch in this situation, but I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with it."

"Oh," Levi mumbled. His stomach suddenly felt strange, as if there were butterflies flying around inside it. He quickly shoved the sensation away. (F/n) was just teaching him how to dance, and that was it. He shouldn't be getting flustered over something like that. "Yeah, whatever. I don't care."

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