Hot and Cold (Levi x Reader)

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You couldn't help smiling as you walked through the halls of Scout Regiment Headquarters. Even now, a week later, you still felt giddy. And you could hardly believe that this was your life.

For years, you had been harboring feelings for your comrade and best friend, Captain Levi. You had kept them to yourself, figuring that it would just make things awkward if he didn't like you back – and you were pretty sure that he didn't. However, one thing led to another, and voila, Levi had revealed that he actually loved you too.

That was a week ago, and you had spent every moment since then in pure bliss. Levi was awkward but caring, and you loved seeing the shy side of him that so few had the opportunity to witness. Who knew that the utterly unflappable captain could be reduced to an adorable, stuttering mess when confronted with a girlfriend?

Now, you and Levi had just gotten out of a particularly long and grim staff meeting, where Commander Erwin laid out the plan for the next scouting mission. It would be brutal, but if the regiment was successful, it would mean a huge step forward for humanity. Unfortunately, your own squad was going to have an especially dangerous job. Yet, you had faith in your subordinates, and you were confident that they would survive. Besides, excessive worrying never got anyone anywhere.

Levi, on the other hand, listened to the plan with an expression that was more serious than usual. He might have even looked concerned. However, you couldn't understand why. Levi's squad was the best in existence, after all. If anyone could pull this off and make it out alive, they could.

As soon as the meeting was over, Levi left the room without a word. Noticing his dark mood, you decided to make some tea for him, hoping to cheer him up. After carefully brewing the drink just the way he liked it, you made your way to his office with a tray in your hands.

You knocked, then entered and gingerly set the tray on his desk. However, even though he was faced with his favorite drink and his girlfriend, Levi's expression didn't lighten. He remained motionless in his chair, leaning his forehead into his hand.

Your chest tightened in concern. "Hey," you cooed, kneeling beside him and gently placing a hand on his arm. "What's the matter?"

"Don't touch me," he snapped, not even looking at you.

You quickly pulled your hand away, surprised at his viciousness. Sure, Levi was cold with most people, but never with you. However, you tried to cut him some slack, figuring that he must be very upset. "Levi, did something happen?" you murmured.

He sighed softly in frustration, but he didn't answer you for a long time. Then, still without looking at you, he muttered, "We can't do this anymore, (f/n)."

Your brow furrowed. "Do what?" you asked slowly, more confused than ever.

Levi's narrowed eyes shot to yours, and he rose from his chair in anger before barking, "This. Us. It's a stupid idea. I should have never told you those things in the first place."

"You...what?" you gasped as you slowly stood to your feet, unable to understand – unwilling to understand.

Levi growled. "Don't you get it?" he shouted. "I don't want you here! Leave!"

Your breath caught, and tears filled your wide eyes. You still hadn't come to terms with what was happening, but his harsh words startled you so much that you fled. You registered nothing that was going on around you until you arrived in your bedroom, flung yourself onto the mattress, and sobbed.


This was it – the big day. You had spent the past month training and reviewing the plan with your squad, preparing as much as possible. But of course, you could never prepare for everything.

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