Father Figure (Levi x Reader)

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Levi didn't know why he did it. Perhaps it was because Kenny had tried to help him by giving him the titan injection. Perhaps Levi felt that Kenny needed to answer for what he had done. Or perhaps Levi actually cared about the dying man in front of him, despite the fact that he had murdered many of Levi's comrades – and tried to kill Levi himself.

Regardless of the reason, Levi didn't let Kenny die under that unremarkable tree on the Reiss estate. He hauled him on his back to the nearest horse, then to the nearest doctor. And despite the burns, the broken bones, and the knife wound that Levi himself had inflicted, Kenny survived.

Now, a year later, Levi wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

Given that his dream of inheriting the Founding Titan had proved impossible, Kenny needed something else to be "drunk on", as he put it. Because of his experience with the Military Police and his Ackerman genes, being in charge of the new queen's royal guard seemed like a logical step – and certainly the most power he would ever be able to obtain in his remaining years. However, that line of work didn't give Kenny quite the sense of fulfillment that he craved. So he devoted all of his free time to making things up to Levi – or trying to, at least.

That's right – welcome to round two of Kenny the father figure.

Of course, Kenny didn't like to think of himself as a father. He knew he wasn't cut out for it. However, despite his attempts to kill Levi during the coup, Kenny really did care for his nephew, and he wanted to help him in the few ways that he knew. This consisted of fighting, mostly, but every now and then, Kenny would offer advice in other areas.

Naturally, Levi wasn't too thrilled to have Kenny back in his life. In addition to the fact that the other Scouts weren't comfortable around him – for good reason – Levi was an adult now. He had been for several decades. He knew what he was doing, and he didn't want advice from the man who had abandoned him in the slums while he was only a teenager.

Moreover, having Kenny at his side – being called "boy" and "runt" as if nothing had changed – brought back too many memories of his messed-up childhood.

Yet, however many times Levi told Kenny to get lost, he just kept coming back. Even today, while the Scouts were doing some volunteer construction work at Queen Historia's orphanage, Kenny was stuck to Levi like glue. He claimed he was there as part of the queen's guard, but he seemed to forget the part about actually guarding the queen.

Levi would have much rather spent his time exclusively with you. As the love of his life, you were the only person whose company he never got tired of. However, the children seemed to enjoy your company just as much, and they dragged you away to cater to their whims. This left Levi standing on a hill with – you guessed it – Kenny.

"Bring back memories?" Kenny drawled, nodding his head toward the children.

Levi's eyes narrowed. "No."

Kenny grunted. "Guess not. You never smiled that much. Never smiled at all, actually."

"Tch," Levi hissed in irritation. "What do you want, Kenny?"

The older man made a show of looking innocent. "Hey now, can't a guy just have a friendly chat with his nephew?"

"Getting sentimental in your old age?" Levi snapped harshly.

It was always like this – Kenny acting as if nothing had changed from their time in the Underground, as if he hadn't abandoned Levi, as if he hadn't killed Levi's subordinates. Sure, the latter hadn't been personal; they had both just been doing their jobs, chasing their goals. However, as much as Levi understood the separation of emotion and ambition – hell, he had done it himself a thousand times – that didn't excuse Kenny's actions...did it?

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