Hold You Closer (Sad Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This story discusses adult content, but nothing actually happens. We're staying PG-13 in this book. ;)

You held him, in his darkened bedroom behind a locked door, where no one else would see or hear. You felt your heart breaking as his tears dripped silently onto your shirt. His strong body felt so exhausted and heavy in your arms.

"I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm sorry."

But there was no changing what had happened. Erwin was dead. And Levi hadn't even been able to avenge him.

Eventually, his lips found your own, tears still streaming down his cheeks as he kissed you desperately. You welcomed him, and you didn't resist when he pushed you toward the bed, then sat down with you in his arms.

You didn't resist when he lay back and pulled you on top of him, your tongues meeting in a dance of grief and solace. You didn't resist when his hands began to travel your clothed body. However, when his pale fingers began undoing the buttons on your shirt, you grabbed his wrists, halting him.

Your brow furrowed in concern as you broke the kiss, and you murmured, "What are you doing?"

Levi looked up at you with pleading, tear-filled eyes. "Please," he whispered.

You realized what he was asking, and your concern grew. "Levi..."

"Please," he repeated, leaning up to capture your lips in another kiss. As he did so, his hands once again attempted to unbutton your shirt.

You pinned his wrists to the bed. Normally, you wouldn't have been able to overpower Levi, but he had been so emotionally and physically weakened by the battle to retake Shiganshina that he couldn't fight you. On top of that, Levi was a good man, and he would never force you. "Stop," you insisted, gently but firmly.

A single tear spilled from his wide eyes. "Please," he whispered again. Begging.

Your heart wrenched. You hated seeing him like this. You also hated saying no to him, but it was for his own good.

You shook your head. "Levi, I'm not going to do that to you," you told him quietly.

His already sad expression crumpled. He turned his head to the side, pressing it into the pillow and squeezing his eyes shut as more tears streamed down his face.

The sight felt like a knife in your chest. You released his wrists so that you could gently wipe the tears from his smooth skin. "I do want you, Levi," you explained softly, realizing what he must be thinking. "But I also love you, and I respect you, and that's why I can't let this happen right now."

You removed your hand and replaced it with your lips, tenderly kissing away his tears. "Your first time shouldn't be sad," you murmured in between kisses. "Your first time should be happy. I don't want you to feel pain every time you look back on it." You pulled away slightly, then reached up to carefully brush his bangs out of his eyes. "Besides, you've told me before that you want to wait until marriage. I can't let you to do something that I know you'll regret."

Levi finally looked up at you. His beautiful, grey-blue eyes were filled with sorrow, as well as desperation for something to save him from his pain. "Then marry me," he whispered hoarsely.

A lump formed in your throat. You knew that he wasn't proposing simply because he wanted sex, just like he wasn't asking for sex simply because he wanted sex. The situation was a lot more complicated than that. Truthfully, he was sad, and afraid – afraid that the one person he had left would be taken from him, just like all the others. Those feelings filled him with an unyielding need to be as close to you as possible, and to never let you go. It wasn't sex he craved; it was comfort and intimacy, with the one person he couldn't bear to lose.

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