Unsleeping Beauty (Levi x Exhausted Reader)

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"(F/n), you don't look so good," Hanji observed, sitting across from you at breakfast. "When was the last time you slept?"

You shrugged, trying to concentrate on the paperwork in front of you. Actually, you were painfully aware that it had been two days since you slept, but it couldn't be helped. On top of your normal responsibilities as a section commander, you were also preparing a financial proposal to get more funding for the Scout Regiment, reviewing all of Commandant Shadis' notes on the incoming cadets that you would be training, and helping Commander Erwin plan for the next expedition outside the walls. The work was endless. You didn't have time to rest.

"Come on, (f/n). I'm glad we have that genius brain of yours, but even you need your beauty sleep...especially if you want to stay Humanity's Most Beautiful Soldier," she finished playfully, employing the nickname that the entire population called you by.

Yes, that was you – clever as the devil, and twice as pretty. Even with the dark-purple bags under your eyes, you were still striking. While you liked the way you looked, you didn't really care what other people thought. In fact, you found it annoying that strangers' eyes followed you wherever you went, and that people would randomly start flirting with you even though you clearly wanted to be left alone. Yes, you were pleased with your appearance, but you wished everyone else would stop worshiping you like a goddess.

Besides, there were more important things than looks – like using your "genius brain", as Hanji called it, to get this work done. "I can manage," you mumbled, still trying to focus.

"She's right, (f/n)," Mike added next to you. "Everyone needs rest, even perfection like you."

You slammed the paper down. "I said I'm fine," you snapped.

The entire table gave you a worried glance.

With a growl, you stood and gathered your materials. "I'll be in my office," you muttered, storming out of the hall.


You had probably gotten a cumulative four hours of sleep over the past week, one of which was gained dozing in the back corner during a particularly dry staff meeting. You had only survived this long thanks to egregious amounts of coffee and your own iron willpower.

However, even you couldn't keep this up forever. Your head was pounding, and you had to rub your eyes every few minutes so you could focus on the paperwork in front of you. It didn't help that Hanji was chatting away across the dinner table, completely oblivious.

"So then I tried dissecting the foot, but of course the toes evaporated as soon as I cut them off, so I had to..."

Her voice was grating on your ears. You stood abruptly, your chair screeching against the floor. "I'm done eating," you hissed and set off for your office, leaving your food untouched.

Once you were out of sight, Erwin broke the stunned silence that had followed your outburst. "Is she alright?"

Hanji shrugged. "Well, I know she was pulling all-nighters earlier this week. She looks a lot better now, though, so I guess she's been sleeping again."

"No she hasn't," your sister, Briar, interjected softly from down the table. As your sister, she wouldn't normally betray your secret, but she was getting worried. "She's just been putting concealer under her eyes so everyone will stop bothering her."

There was an uncomfortable pause, then Erwin stated, "(F/n) is an adult. It's up to her to decide how much she can handle. Let's just leave her be."

"Tch," Levi scoffed irreverently from the end of the table. Without a word, he pushed his chair back and stood, following you out of the room.


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