Trust (Levi x Ghoul Reader)

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Author's Note: This story contains detailed descriptions of gore (i.e., what a ghoul might do to a corpse). Please do not read if this will upset you.

You did this you did this you did this you did this you did this...

The words shattered you, unraveled you. Yet, they were the truth. And you couldn't stop them from consuming your mind, over and over again, as you stared at the scene in front of you.

You did this you did this you did this you did this you did this...

The bed beneath you was soaked in blood. You barely felt it, wet and sticky beneath your arms, your back, the body next to you...

Body. Because he definitely wasn't alive anymore. He was lying on his back, head still turned toward you. His torso had been ripped open – a giant, gaping hole where skin and muscle and bone used to be. Those bones now stuck straight up, lining the edges of the cavity, as if something had pried them apart to get to the organs beneath. The same blood that covered the bed speckled the small amount of skin that was left intact. You followed it up his neck, his face...

Until you met his open, dead eyes with your own. You knew those eyes. How many times had you gazed into them over the years? Watched, as those typically cold, icy-blue eyes melted only for you? But now, those eyes were cold with death, still wide with shock and fear and pain.

You did this you did this you did this you did this you did this...

You had killed the man you loved.

"NO!" you shrieked, bolting upright. You wrapped your arms around yourself as your body began to shake uncontrollably. Your (h/c) hair was matted to your head, your skin and sheets sticky with...

With sweat. Sweat. Not blood.

You dared a glance next to you, took in the empty bed, the still-white sheets...

A had all been a dream.

You tried to slow your breathing and shove down the nausea that churned in your stomach. A sob broke from your lips – out of fear, but also relief. You hadn't killed him. You hadn't killed Levi.

You got up, hoping that no one had heard you scream, and checked your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes were faintly bloodshot from crying, but...

Human. Your irises were their normal (e/c) color, your scleras still white. No black or red to be seen. Good.

A ghoul – that's what you were. A creature that looked human, but needed to consume humans in order to survive. Eat humans, just like the titans did. You hated it – hated yourself – and only ate humans that were already dead when your hunger flared up about once a month. You didn't want to kill people; you wanted to save them, which is why you joined the Scouts five years ago. Your superhuman strength and speed served you well when slaying titans. However, you had to check yourself – never too strong, never too fast. No one could suspect that you were anything but human, just like everyone else. Because if they did, you'd be dead. But worse than that, you couldn't bear to see the disgust and horror on your friends' faces when they discovered you were just as revolting as the monsters they fought.

With a sigh, you sank back down onto the bed. You didn't sleep for the rest of the night.


You sat at a table across from Levi, doing paperwork in his office. It certainly wasn't ideal for spending time together, but since both of you were squad leaders with a lot of responsibility, it was the best you could manage most days. You had been here for hours already, working by candlelight now that the sun had set.

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