Of Your Own (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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Author's Note: This story takes place after chapter 115 of the manga. It's not a huge deal, but those little spoilers for what happens to Levi in said chapter are mentioned in here. 

"So, when are you gonna make me an uncle?" your brother slurred, holding yet another drink in his hand.

You frowned. "I think that's between me and my husband," you stated flatly, having to talk louder than normal so that you could be heard over the raucous background noise.

The club you were currently sitting in was overflowing with soldiers, all celebrating the end of the war. You and your husband, Levi, had been coaxed into coming by your fellow Scouts. Your brother was here as a member of the Garrison regiment.

"Oh, that's right!" he exclaimed, smacking his forehead. "You don't want kids, do you? I remember now. Don't want to ruin that perfect figure."

Your eyes narrowed. Your reason wasn't as simple as your brother made it sound. Regardless, it was none of his business. The only opinions that mattered were yours and Levi's, and you two had that conversation a long time ago.

"But does your husband feel the same way?" your brother drawled, his eyes drifting to Levi.

"We agreed not to have children," Levi stated.

To anyone else, his voice was expressionless. However, being his wife, you were able to pick up on the slight variation in his tone. It sounded almost like...regret? Sadness? You glanced at him, but his face was as stoic as ever.

Your brow furrowed.

Had Levi changed his mind? When you got married, there were still titans to fight, and Levi had been adamant about not bringing a child into this world when one or both of you might die and leave it alone. However, now that the titans were gone, and you were no longer at war, had he decided that he did want a child after all?

Your brother shrugged and stumbled off, but your mood didn't lighten for the rest of the party. The same two questions kept swirling around your mind. What did Levi want? What did you want?

You sat there, lost in thought, until it was finally time to go home.


That night, you lay in bed, with Levi hovering over you. The two of you had worked your way into a heated make-out session, his lips locking with yours as his hands explored your clothed body. It was oh, so preferable to that ridiculous party, and it made you feel right at home, even though every single nerve was tingling with excitement.

It had always been like this with you two – being utterly infatuated with each other, unable to get enough. A lifetime of loss, as well as the knowledge that you could have very well lost your partner at any second, had left you with an unbridled appreciation and desire for the person you loved most. Even now that the war was over, that need to be as close as possible hadn't diminished. Although, you supposed that you had a new reason to fuel you. Because there were no more enemies to fight, you could finally have the peaceful and happy life that you had sacrificed so much for – and you were going to savor every second of it.

Levi, having noticed your exasperated mood earlier, was determined to help you relax tonight – and he was exceedingly good at it. That Ackerman diligence translated perfectly to serving you. In fact, Levi preferred using his skills for your benefit instead of for fighting. He had been fighting for so long, and he was tired of it – tired of the loss and the pain and the hopelessness. He would much rather enjoy a peaceful life where his only duty was to make you happy – whether that meant fixing things around the house, or bringing you breakfast in bed, or doing exactly what he was doing right now.

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