Shot (Levi x Reader Modern AU)

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Author's Note: Just to be clear, this story is not intended to make a statement about whether you should or should not get the covid vaccine. Rather, it was born because I'm kind of a wimp about shots, and in order to help myself out while I was getting the vaccine, I kept imagining what Levi might say if he were there with me. And since I had already done all the work of thinking up this little blurb, I figured I would share it with you all. I hope you enjoy it, and stay safe out there!

You awoke with a gasp. Where were you? Your bedroom? It was so dark.

You jumped out of bed, your frantic gaze scanning the covers. But instead of locating a threat, you only saw Levi – groaning and pushing himself into a seated position. Your sudden movement must have awoken him.

"(F/n)?" he questioned, his voice gravelly from sleep. "What's the matter?"

There was a slight furrow in his brow, a hint of worry in his typically stoic gaze. But...his concern was due to your behavior, not a threat. Around you, the bedroom was quiet, undisturbed – empty except for the two of you. And you slowly came to realize...

A dream. It had all been a dream.

You released a shaky breath, then sat down on the mattress, still feeling quite rattled. "I dreamt...that there were vaccines everywhere...and they kept stabbing me with their needles," you explained haltingly, recalling everything with frightening detail. "And then...there were spiders! All over the bed!"

"Why spiders?" Levi grumbled, confused by this sudden change.

You wrapped your arms around yourself and shrugged. "I don't know. Dreams are weird."

Levi gave a long sigh. "Alright. Come here," he muttered, lying back down while guiding you along with him. He pulled the covers over you – making sure you were warm – before sliding his strong arms around you in a gentle embrace, tucking your head into his chest.

You snuggled into him and breathed deeply, trying to comfort yourself with his familiar scent. Somehow, Levi always smelled like fresh laundry – which really wasn't too surprising, when you considered how much time he spent cleaning things – along with a hint of male musk. The aroma was exquisite to your senses, but even so, it wasn't helping you calm down. Your mind was racing with too many questions, too many worries.

You were scheduled to get your first dose of the new vaccine tomorrow. Levi had gotten both of his doses already, but you had been procrastinating. Even though the government's health department had approved the vaccine for public use, you still felt wary, because it was so new. On top of that, you hated shots. However, the world was starting to reopen, safety measures were loosening, and you felt like you couldn't put off the vaccine any longer.

But despite the fact that you had made the choice, you couldn't help being anxious about it. And to make matters worse, you had read that you were supposed to get a good night's sleep beforehand in order to help your immune system, but here you were at 2am, wide awake.

"You feeling alright?" Levi murmured, stroking your hair with gentle fingers.

"Kind of," you muttered into his shirt. "I don't think I can go back to sleep, though."

Levi hummed, and you felt the reverberations in his chest. "Do you still want to go tomorrow?" he asked softly, knowing exactly how you felt, since the two of you had discussed it a few times before. "You can cancel, or reschedule. There's no penalty."

You tilted your head to look up at him, seeing a tenderness in his gaze that he only ever showed to you – and even then, it didn't appear all the time. He usually tried to hide his softness, but he was letting you see it now, because he knew you needed it. Still, you felt silly for cowering in his arms like a child, when he had gotten both his shots without even a hint of fear. Then again, Levi wasn't really afraid of anything. Ever.

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