Restored (Levi x Prostitute Reader) Part 1: Levi

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Author's Note: I know I said I wouldn't post multi-part stories in this book, but this one is throwing me a curveball, because it's too long to be one part, but too short for me to put in all the effort of making it a separate book. So, I'm treating it as an experiment, and I'll see how I like it. I hope you enjoy!

Levi was shocked at how much he and Farlan had been able to take today. Crate after crate full of food sat in front of him, just waiting to be devoured. Even if they stuffed themselves full to bursting every meal, there was no way that the two of them could eat it all before it spoiled. Learning how to use the military's ODM gear was turning out to be a very lucrative investment.

"Man, what are we gonna do with all this?" Farlan gasped, already counting and sorting the contents. "Sell it?"

Levi scoffed. "Tch. And who's gonna pay for it? Only ones with money are the merchants, and they won't buy from us. Let's just keep what we want and give the rest away."

Farlan frowned at that, but he couldn't argue with Levi's logic. "I guess," he grumbled. "So, who should we give it to?"

Levi thought for a moment. Then, "Leave it to me."


Levi had shoved as much food as he could into a few nondescript, brown sacks before heading down a street that he typically avoided at all costs. Rather, he was avoiding one building in particular, because looking at it made his heart ache in a way that he couldn't afford, seeing as how only the strongest survived down here. However, today, he forced himself to turn that corner, to walk down that filthy lane. Because maybe, if someone had been kind enough to offer his mother some food while she worked in this wretched place, she would have lived to see her son grow up.

Remembering that the ladies of the brothel used to enjoy going out back for a smoke, he started in the crooked alley behind the building. Sure enough, he found six women loitering there, leaning against the walls or sitting on the filthy ground. Some were younger than him, some older, and one was just about his age.

"Just hold up there, sonny. We're on our break," one of the older women grumbled in a raspy voice. "If you're lookin' for a tumble, go up front."

"I'm not," Levi muttered, unable to help the way he glanced at the ground uncomfortably. Even now, years after he had left this place, the very idea of...tumbling...gave him a cold, clammy feeling in his chest. How could it not, after what he had seen with his mother...?

Levi forced himself to look at the woman and explain, "I brought food." Then he dropped the bags, letting the flaps fall open to reveal what was inside. "It's free. No strings attached."

A few of their mouths visibly began to water as they stared at the contents, but rather than feeling disgusted, Levi just found it sad.

"You think we were born yesterday?" the same woman uttered skeptically. "No one goes around handing out free food. So what's your angle?"

"Hang on, Ursie," another of the ladies gasped, gaping at Levi with wide eyes. "I think that's Kuchel's kid! Remember? Oh...what's his name..."

"Levi," he reminded her. He didn't bother saying that he remembered hers. Gretta.

He was met with a chorus of recognition, and all the suspicion from a moment ago was replaced by fondness. The older ladies among them had been here when his mother was around – they remembered his toddling form. He was one of them, born and bred.

The women seemed happy to recount stories from his childhood, but to Levi, it was just depressing. He had grown up watching his mother sell her body so they wouldn't starve, only for them to end up starving anyway. And all these women were still trapped here.

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