Beyond Anger (Levi x Reader)

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Levi hunched over his desk, filling out paperwork by candlelight. He stifled a yawn, then stretched and glanced at the clock. It was already well past the time (f/n) usually came to bed. Although, he imagined that (f/n) planned to sleep in her own room after what happened today.

They had gotten into their first real fight. It was shocking, honestly, to fight with (f/n). They usually got along so well. But one thing had led to another, and they had both gotten angry, had both been unwilling to back down. Eventually, (f/n) just walked out. Levi hadn't seen her since.

He didn't like fighting with (f/n), and part of him wanted to apologize, but the other part of him was still livid, still convinced that he was right.

Even though he was cross with her, he couldn't help wishing that she would sleep in his room anyway. The two of them had been sharing a bed for years, even before they were more than friends. They just slept, nothing else. Somehow, having (f/n) cradled in his arms, hearing her breath, feeling her heartbeat – it was the only thing that kept his nightmares away. Before her, Levi had only been able to sleep about two hours each day because of them.

(F/n) had once told him that he kept her nightmares away, too. That she felt safe in his arms.

Levi sighed and returned to his paperwork, thinking that he might as well be productive, since he certainly wasn't sleeping tonight. There would be no point in trying, without her. His nightmares would just tear him from sleep and destroy any rest he might have gotten.

Just then, the door to his office opened, closed. Levi glanced up to see (f/n) silently passing through to his bedroom. She said nothing. She didn't even look in his direction. She just walked into the bedroom and shut the door behind her.

Levi hesitated for a moment. He had expected her not to come, and she was clearly still angry, but even so...she was here.

Slowly, he stood, extinguished the candle, and walked to his bedroom. He opened the door quietly, pausing on the threshold. In the darkness, he could barely see (f/n) curled up on what had become her side of the bed. She was facing the wall, instead of facing the middle like she normally did. Levi had no doubt that was intentional. He couldn't tell if she was already asleep, so he changed his clothes as silently as possible before slipping under the covers.

He thought about facing the wall as she had done, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He stared at her back, and at the void between them. Again, part of him wanted to cross it, to take her in his arms and apologize for upsetting her. However, his lingering anger held him back. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep.

A second later, the blankets rustled almost inaudibly. Then he felt (f/n)'s foot gently touch his leg. She only kept it there for a moment before curling up again, but the message was clear.

(F/n) may have been angry, but beyond that...she still loved him.

Levi felt an ache in his chest. He opened his eyes to look at her. He took in her beautiful (h/c) hair spilled across the pillow, the curve of her back as it disappeared beneath the sheets.

Gently, he reached out and brushed his fingers down her spine.

Then he pulled back. (F/n) didn't respond, but he hadn't expected her to. He knew she understood.

They might be at odds for now, but they would still stick by each other. They would work it out.

Their love ran deeper than any argument could cut. 

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