Dream (Levi x Reader)

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A knock sounded on your office door. "It's me."

"Come in!" you chimed.

Levi opened the door, but froze when he noticed the cadet sitting in front of you. "If you're busy, I can come back later..." he offered.

"No, no," you said. "Cadet Kocho and I were just finishing up." You turned to the girl. "Thank you for talking with me. I look forward to having you in my squad."

The cadet nodded, then hurried out, casting a nervous glance at Levi as she went.

"Are all the cadets scared of me?" Levi muttered as he walked over and leaned on the desk next to you.

You giggled, smiling up at him. "They're in awe of you. After all, this is their first time seeing Humanity's Strongest Soldier up close."

Levi simply rolled his eyes. "So what were you doing with that one?"

"Just getting to know her," you replied. "I usually have an introductory chat with soldiers when they join my squad."

"And...what do you talk about...exactly?" Levi asked. Although his expression remained stoic, you picked up on the hesitancy in his tone.

Your smile turned comforting. "Why? Are you nervous about having your own squad for the first time?"

Levi quickly averted his eyes. "No," he muttered.

You waited patiently, and a moment later, he amended, "I don't know. Maybe."

You reached out and took his hand, the contact causing him to meet your gaze. "You'll be fine," you assured him. "Just be yourself."

"That doesn't usually make for a good first impression. I've never been very sociable," Levi admitted.

"And you don't have to be," you stated. "You'll all get to know each other eventually. There's no need to force it if you're not ready."

Despite your words, Levi still looked a little lost.

You sighed, then stood to your feet. "Okay, come here," you murmured, pulling him over to the couch. You sat down next to him, still holding his hand in your own.

"I start with the standard stuff. I ask them to tell me where they're from, what their strengths are, et cetera. It's all in their file, but I like to hear it from them, and it's an easy way to get the conversation started. After that, I just see where it goes." You shrugged. "And at the end, I always ask them what their dream is."

"Their dream?" Levi questioned, his brow furrowing.

"Mhm. I ask them what they would do if they could do anything, if there were no titans and no Walls," you explained. "And they don't have to tell me, as long as they themselves know the answer. I think it's important for everyone to have a dream. It gives them something to fight for, and something to live for."

"I see," Levi mused, his eyes drifting off as he processed.

The two of you lapsed into silence, until you asked softly, "What's your dream, Levi?"

"Mine?" he asked, his eyes widening a little as they snapped back to yours. Then his brow creased in thought. "I don't know," he muttered, his eyes falling to the floor.

"Oh, come on," you prodded. "There must be something."

After thinking for another moment, Levi mumbled, "Well...there is one thing..."

You waited silently, letting him decide if he wanted to share his wish.

Levi took a deep breath, then, "Before I joined the Scouts...I thought it might be nice to...open a tea shop."

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