Catch Me (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hi, lovelies! Forewarning that this story contains suicidal thoughts and actions (but I promise it turns out okay in the end). Please don't read if those things upset you, and as always, please remember how amazing and valued and loved you are. If you ever find yourself in a bad place, talk to your fam or a friend or a doctor, because you deserve to have a long and happy life. Keep on gracing the earth with your glorious presence! :)

On another note, you all know how much I love Sarah J Maas. Well, this story was inspired by a paragraph from her "Throne of Glass" series. If you can spot it, I will give you all the brownie points.

You stood on the edge, staring lifelessly down at the hungry eyes of a titan.

Death didn't frighten you – not anymore – because you had already experienced something so much worse. Now, even as you stood still, you were plummeting down, down, into an endless abyss of despair and grief. And it was entirely your own fault.

Pieces of your squadmates' corpses littered the ground. Their blood spilled in flecks and pools across it. Screams contorted the faces that had once smiled at you – what was left of them, at least.

They had been brilliant. You just weren't quick enough. And because of that, they had all been devoured, while you had watched from the sidelines.

You had sat on this rooftop for hours afterward. To you, it didn't feel like very long at all, but the movement of the sun told you how much time had passed when you finally snapped out of your shock. Then, you were angry. You hurled scream after scream at the titans, until you had no one to blame but yourself.

And then you thought...maybe it would be better if you died, too. You had caused this, after all. You deserved to share your comrades' fate. Besides, if you were dead, then you wouldn't have to hurt anymore. You wouldn't have to live with this crushing guilt that was currently consuming you. So, you ended up here – standing on the edge.

You took a deep breath...

Closed your eyes...

Stepped off into empty air...

But something grabbed you and pulled you back.

You slammed into a wall of solid muscle, pinned there by a powerful arm around your waist. You gasped at the unexpected sensation, your eyes flying open as you and whoever was holding you fell backward onto the roof. Your teeth clanked against each other at the impact of your rear end hitting the tile.

"What are you thinking?" a cold, male voice yelled into your ear.

Flinching a little but still in a state of shock, you turned, wide-eyed, to see who had pulled you back from the edge. When your eyes locked with a distinctive pair of stormy, grey-blue ones, you felt your stomach plummet. It was bad enough that anyone had found you like this, but Captain Levi...

You swallowed.

You had never met the man before – only seen him in passing – but like everyone else, you knew the stories. Humanity's Strongest Soldier was cold, and heartless, and terrifying. He couldn't care less about anyone's feelings; only the mission mattered. And if you were weak, you weren't worth a moment of his time.

But...what was he even doing here?

The answer came to you a second later. Of course. The rest of the regiment would have noticed when your squad didn't check in for several hours, would have guessed that something went wrong. Commander Erwin must have sent Special Ops to search for survivors.

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