Invisible (Levi x Ignored Reader)

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Author's Note: Just an FYI that "French Lessons", "Sakura", and "Show and Tell" all received updates recently. I usually try not to touch a story after it has been published, but those ones had been eating at me for a while. Anyway, enjoy!

You sat at the dinner table with the other members of the 104th who had joined the Scouts. Captain Levi had just left the room after informing you all that you would be the new Special Operations Squad. The news was daunting, to say the least. How could you possibly compare with the soldiers who were in his squad previously? You had only graduated a little over a month ago.

Picking at your bread, you listened to your comrades voice their various reactions in hushed tones.

"Can you believe he chose us? Is this for real?"

"Well clearly, the captain recognizes how strong I am."

"Shut up, Connie. This isn't a game. We could be doing some seriously dangerous stuff."

"What, like we weren't in danger already?"

Although you had your own thoughts on the matter, you didn't bother trying to share them. Despite the fact that you were a few years older than your comrades, talking to them still made you nervous. Plus, it wasn't like anyone would listen to you. You didn't blame them, though. Things had always been this way.

Ever since you could remember, you had been overlooked. As a child, you never had any friends. Your teachers never acknowledged you, even when you did well in class. It wasn't that they were intentionally being mean, they just...didn't see you. It became a vicious cycle – you were quiet to begin with, but when you realized that people wouldn't listen to you anyway, you became more and more timid. Eventually, you stopped trying to speak at all. You simply followed everyone around, like a shadow. And you got used to being invisible.

"Not to mention, Captain Levi is even scarier than the titans are."

"You can say that again. Did you hear how he thrashed Eren at his trial? Hell, Mikasa and Armin saw it."

"I also heard he's really strict. And Eren said they spend most of their time cleaning. It sounds like a drag."

"Plus, everyone knows he's a heartless jerk."

"But it's not like we can refuse, right?"

You bit your lip as your gaze fell to your lap. Personally, you didn't think Captain Levi was that bad, from the limited interaction you had with him.


A few days after you joined the Scouts, some of the officers came to watch your cadet group while you trained. You tried not to be too nervous about it, telling yourself that they wouldn't notice you anyway.

Your performance was strictly average, as it had been throughout your years in the Cadet Corps. Nothing remarkable, but maybe it would be enough to keep you alive. Maybe.

After you landed, you heard an unfamiliar male voice call out, "Cadet (l/n)!"

You froze, not knowing what to do. Someone was actually...talking to you.

You whirled around and saluted, assuming that whoever had addressed you held a higher rank. You kept your eyes on the ground. However, out of your periphery, you could see the person walking toward you.

It was Captain Levi.

You let out an involuntary squeak, hoping he didn't hear. You had trouble talking to normal people, so you had no idea how you would manage it with someone as scary as him. Although you had never actually met him before, the other soldiers told stories, and none of them were comforting.

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