Better than a Dream (Levi x Dreamwalker Reader)

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Levi sighed, setting his pen down so that he could rub his temples with his fingers. He had a terrible headache, and he knew the pain would only get worse. It was one of the many side effects of his insomnia that he just had to live with. Irritating as it was, at least it was preferable to the nightmares.

"Are you alright, Captain?" (f/n) asked from her seat on the other side of his desk, where she was helping him fill out paperwork.

"I'm fine," he muttered.

Her brow furrowed in concern. "Are you sure? You look exhausted. Maybe you should go to bed."

Levi sighed again. After a long pause, he stated, "I can't."

(F/n) looked at him for another moment, trying to figure him out. At last, she murmured gently, "Do you have nightmares?"

Normally, he wouldn't explain himself to anyone. In fact, most people wouldn't even dare to ask in the first place. However, in addition to being his trusted subordinate, (f/n) was also his close friend. Thus, he was slightly less guarded with her. "Yeah," he grumbled.

She hummed sympathetically. Then she went silent, and Levi hoped that was the end of the conversation. He didn't particularly like discussing his insomnia, seeing it as a weakness. However, it seemed (f/n) was only taking a moment to ponder something.

"I think I can help...if you'll let me..." she said hesitantly.

Levi glanced up at her. She was looking at him with an earnest expression, genuinely wanting to ease his suffering. He didn't know how she could possibly get rid of his nightmares, and if it had been anyone else, he would have dismissed them outright. However, (f/n) was his friend, and he wanted to trust her...

"Fine," he muttered. "What did you have in mind?"

She looked slightly surprised that he agreed, but she quickly got over it and smiled. "Go get ready for bed. I'll meet you back here in fifteen minutes."

Well, that wasn't particularly informative. Levi was still uncertain that whatever this was would work, but he did as she asked anyway. After all, he didn't have much left to lose.


"What are we doing?" he asked when (f/n) showed up at his door in her pajamas.

"We're going to sleep," she replied simply as she stepped around him and walked through his office to the adjoining bedroom. "Come on."

Levi followed her, watching as she crawled into his bed. She looked back at him and patted the spot next to her. Her (e/c) eyes were warm and inviting.

Levi didn't move. On top of the fact that he didn't think this would fix his insomnia, there were rules about relationships between superiors and subordinates. Even if they didn't actually do anything romantic, if someone found out that he had been in his bed with her...

"(F/n), I don't know..." he muttered shyly.

"Just come to bed, Levi," she requested. "We're only sleeping. I promise."

Levi hesitated for another moment before giving in. He crawled under the covers next to her, and she immediately wrapped an arm around him, lightly resting her forehead against his. The gesture caught him completely off-guard.

"(F-f/n)...?" he hissed, mentally cursing himself for his stutter. But he couldn't help it. She was so close.

"It's alright," she murmured reassuringly. "We're just going to sleep."

Levi averted his gaze, trying not to blush. "I don't see how this will help..."

"It will," she stated. "Just close your eyes and try to sleep. I promise you won't have any nightmares."

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