Make-Believe (Levi x Illusionist Reader)

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Author's Note: Thank you all for 5K likes!

It started when you were just a child. You could make people see things, hear things, feel things that weren't there. Including yourself.

Given how young you were, you didn't realize why people might be afraid of you. You only thought that the flower in your hand was soft, or that the butterfly on your nose was pretty. But when your parents noticed that the flower and the butterfly were too vibrant to be real, when they discovered that you were the one who made them appear, expressions of terror crossed their faces.

"You must never, ever, do that again!" your mother insisted while your father held her. "Do you understand? People will say you're a witch! They'll kill you! They'll burn you at the stake!"

Although you were only a few years old, you understood what death meant. You saw your parents' fear, and so you, too, were afraid. After that day, you never created any more illusions.

In your later teenage years, Wall Maria fell, and both of your parents were killed. You enlisted in the Cadet Corps in order to get revenge on the titans, and to take back the land that was stolen from you. You performed quite well – well enough that by the time you joined the Scout Regiment, the newly minted Commander Erwin already had plans for you.


"Captain!" you screamed desperately. "Captain!"

Then you saw him, a few dozen meters away, surrounded by titans.

You growled in frustration, slaying yet another titan in your attempt to reach his side. But they just kept coming. There were too many.

The rest of your regiment was gone – either dead or too far away to help you. The titans weren't giving you a chance to fire off distress signals. And your gas and blades were almost gone.

"(F/n)!" Levi shouted as he landed on the roof next to you. Somehow, he had managed to get through the wall of titans separating you two.

There wasn't time for talk, though. Immediately after Levi arrived, a titan slammed into the house you stood on, causing the building to crumble. Both you and Levi fell in a heap of rubble.

You must have hit your head, because the next thing you knew, you were lying on your back, with something solid and uncomfortable beneath you. You blinked a few times, trying to fix your blurry vision. On instinct, you looked around for your blades.

When you saw one, you sat up to grab it, and that was when your eyes locked with Levi's.

His lips formed your name, though you couldn't hear it. But it didn't matter. Levi was alive. Levi was with you. Surely, everything would be alright.

Then his head snapped to the side, and you saw his eyes widen.

You hazily followed his gaze, only to find a horde of titans staring back at you. One of them was even smiling.

Suddenly, Levi's arms were around you. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

You blinked. Oh, you thought with a strange sense of detachment as you slowly pieced his words and actions together. We're going to die.

Well, that wasn't so bad. You had done your best. And Levi was here. Levi was holding you. The two of you could die together.


A sudden urgency broke through your haze. You couldn't let Levi die. You couldn't.

So you did the only thing you could do.

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