I've Got You (Levi x Injured Reader)

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"Medic! We need a medic! Now!"

You whimpered in pain as Levi burst into the makeshift infirmary, carrying you in his arms.

A woman with a white armband rushed over to you. "What happened?"

"A titan smashed through a building, and some of the debris hit her leg," Levi explained quickly. "Now help her! She's already lost a lot of blood!"

The medic nodded. "This way." She led Levi through the abandoned house that the medical squad had turned into an infirmary while the Scouts established a base nearby. They hurried up the stairs, down the hall and into an empty bedroom.

"Set her down there," the medic instructed, pointing to a bed covered in clean, white sheets. It had been pulled to the center of the room in order to make things easier for the medics as they worked.

Levi laid you down as delicately as he could, but you still winced at the movement. "I'm sorry, (f/n). The pain will stop soon, I promise," Levi whispered soothingly, though his brow was creased with concern.

"My name is Hypaxia," the medic told you. "What's yours?"

"(F/n)..." you whined through clenched teeth.

"(F/n). I'm going to fix you up, alright? You're going to be fine."

Hypaxia quickly cut off the fabric of your uniform pants so she could examine the wound. A sharp piece of debris had sliced deep into your skin, leaving a long, jagged gash in your thigh. Hypaxia cleaned the wound as much as possible in order to see the full extent of the damage. What she found made her lips press into a tight line.

"It looks like smaller pieces of debris broke off and lodged in the wound. I'll have to remove them before I can stitch you up." Her gaze locked with yours, though you could barely see through the tears in your eyes. "It's going to hurt – a lot. I'm sorry."

"Can't you give her something?" Levi snapped, his voice strained with worry.

Hypaxia shook her head. "We're out of everything that might help ease the pain."

Levi growled in frustration.

Hypaxia leveled her gaze at him, considering. "How do you know her?"

"I'm her captain."

"And that's all?" She arched an eyebrow.

Levi's eyes narrowed. "Yes," he hissed.

In reality, you and Levi had been dating for quite some time now. You kept your relationship a secret, so that no one would think your captain showed you favoritism because of his feelings for you. Although, hiding your feelings was becoming nearly impossible, with how serious you both were getting. Still, if anyone found out, you would be moved to a different squad, and Levi wasn't willing to let that happen. He wanted to be near you, to protect you.

"I see," Hypaxia said levelly. And Levi got the sense that she did see. She saw his concern. She saw the way he looked at you, cared for you, comforted you. However, in her piercing stare, there was also a promise.

She wouldn't tell anyone what she saw. She was a doctor. Her only goal was to save you.

"Well then, Captain," Hypaxia continued, her tone businesslike, "as I said, this is going to hurt. If you could stay with her, talk to her, it might help take her mind off the pain."

Levi's grip tightened on your hand, which he hadn't let go of since placing you on the bed. "Of course I'll stay with her."

Hypaxia nodded. "Then let's get started." She strapped your leg down so you wouldn't accidentally move it during the procedure.

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