Festival (Levi x Reader)

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"Are you coming with everyone to the festival tomorrow night?" you asked your friend, Corporal Levi, while the two of you brushed down your horses after training.

"Tch," he uttered in his typical, irritated fashion. "No."

"Why not?" you questioned. This would be the first chance he had after arriving on the surface, and it certainly wasn't something to miss.

"I don't like big groups."

"Go with just me, then," you offered with a shrug.

Levi's brush slowed atop his stallion's black coat as he mulled it over. Eventually, he uttered, "Yeah. That'd be fine."

Thus, here the two of you were, standing side by side in casual clothes as you surveyed the festival spread out in front of you. The entire city seemed to be taking part – vendors filling the streets as decorative paper lanterns burned overhead, strung up between the rooftops. Smells of various tantalizing sweets filled the night air, entwining with sounds of merriment from the crowd.

You couldn't help staring at it all with blatant wonder. Meanwhile, Levi kept the same, stoic expression he always wore. However, you figured he must've at least been interested, or else he wouldn't have come.

"Levi, look here! And here!" you insisted excitedly as you pulled him from booth to booth, awed by the different foods and games. "Oooh, and caramel apples! Should we get some?"

"You can do what you want," Levi muttered. "It sounds too sweet for me."

"Sounds?" you questioned. "You mean you've never tried one?"

He shrugged, his eyes flicking to the side. "Sweets aren't exactly cheap in the Underground."

"Then how do you know you won't like it if you've never tried it?" you pressed.

Levi stared flatly at you, not deigning to respond.

"Fine, fine," you acquiesced, already pulling him to the next booth. "Your loss. But you do know that everything they'll serve tonight is sweet, don't you? You'll have to eat something eventually."

"No I won't," he uttered with complete seriousness.

You sighed resignedly, used to his stubbornness after months of friendship. Still, you couldn't allow him to not eat anything at all...

"Hey, bobbing for apples!" you pointed out. "You should do it, Levi! You'd definitely get them all, and then maybe they'd let you keep some to eat. After all, those are probably the only non-sweet food you'll find tonight."

"Tch. No, thanks," Levi grumbled, eyeing the game booth with revulsion. "For one, I'm not in the mood to get soaked tonight. But more importantly, who knows how many people have already stuck their slobbering faces in there, spreading their germs? You couldn't pay me to get in that water."

You chuckled. A lot of people were annoyed by Levi's obsession with cleanliness, but you found it endearing. As the two of you passed the booth, you swiped an apple from a basket of extra ones off to the side, tossing it to Levi. "Maybe you could eat one of these, since they haven't been in the water yet," you suggested. "They'd probably be happy to sell it to us."

"Again, no," Levi grumbled. "Not before it's been properly washed, and I don't see a – oh, shit."

"What is it?" you asked, following his gaze through the crowd.

Your eyes found a group of familiar faces at the same time Levi stated, "Erwin and Hanji's group. If they see us, they'll want us to join them."

Recalling that Levi wanted to avoid a big group tonight, you quickly searched for a hiding spot. "There," you stated, pointing toward an alley tucked away behind the booths.

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