All Was Well (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: This book has over 500K reads! That's half a million! I am both surprised and honored by you all. I never imagined that so many people would read this stuff. Anyway, here's a little blurb to celebrate!

It was still dark when Levi opened his eyes.

He rolled over on his side, and he was met with the sight of his wife sleeping peacefully next to him. He couldn't help but smile a little, comforted by her presence, and contented by the fact that she was safe and sound. This, right here, was better than anything he had ever dared to dream of.

He sighed softly, reaching out to gently brush his fingers through her hair. Instead of attempting to go back to sleep, he simply gazed at her, cherishing her. She was the one thing he would never take for granted.

Before he and (f/n) got married, he hadn't even tried to go to bed. He simply worked or read at his desk until he couldn't keep his eyes open, and then he caught whatever few hours of sleep he could manage in his chair. But every time, his nightmares ripped him away from the rest he so desperately needed.

Things started to get better when (f/n) joined him at night. She knew about his insomnia, and she hated seeing him suffer so much. Thus, she did whatever she could to help him. However, the simple fact that she was there was what ended up helping Levi the most.

He couldn't explain it, but he felt calm and safe in (f/n)'s arms. Maybe it was the softness of her skin, or the gentle sound of her breath, or the soothing beat of her heart. Maybe it was the comforting knowledge that she loved him – and that she would always be here to love him, now that the titans were gone.

Whatever the case, he always fell asleep easily in her embrace. His nightmares became less frequent, but even when he did have them, (f/n) was there to remind him of where he was, and who he was with. She kept soothing him until he was able to return to sleep, free of any fear or sadness.

She must have sensed him looking at her, because her face scrunched up adorably before her eyelids fluttered open. "Levi?" she murmured sleepily. Then she seemed to grow more alert, and her brow furrowed. "What's wrong?"

Levi understood why she was worried. She assumed he was awake because he had suffered another nightmare. However, pain and terror were the furthest things from his mind right now.

"Everything's fine, (f/n)," he murmured. "Go back to sleep."

Her eyes searched him for another moment, trying to determine whether he was just playing it off. However, once she saw how relaxed he was, her gaze softened. She reached out and placed her hand on his cheek, gently stroking his cheekbone with her thumb.

"I love you," she mumbled.

His heart warmed. "I love you, too."

She hummed contentedly and gave him a small smile before withdrawing her hand. Her eyelids fluttered closed as she snuggled into the pillow. A few seconds later, Levi could tell that she had fallen back asleep.

As he lay there, gazing at her, he was filled with a familiar sense of gratitude. Before they met, he had never imagined that he would one day fall in love, or get married. Such things seemed impossible for him, because he knew that anyone he loved would likely die, or that he himself could die and leave them alone. But (f/n) had broken down all of his walls, simply by existing. She had shown him how to love and be loved. And afterward, there was no going back.

Levi stroked her hair again, savoring how smooth and soft it felt between his fingers. The woman herself seemed so relaxed, with her lips still curled upward in the smallest smile, as if his presence soothed her like hers soothed him. The thought touched him deeply, leaving him with a quiet sense of fulfillment and joy.

At last, Levi allowed his eyelids to flutter closed.

And all was well.

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