Choice (Levi x Reader)

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"But I can still tell you why he's the one standing here now! It's 'cause you two got emotional, and Captain Levi did the same. You made an irrational choice. You treated that syringe like it was yours and wasted it. He's alive because you think your friends are more important than the rest of us!"

"Alright, I think it's time you shut your mouth!"

"That's enough, everyone."

The Scouts' heads all turned to look at you. You had been so quiet that they hadn't heard you approach. Or maybe they had been too caught up in their argument to notice.

"This is a memorial to honor our fallen comrades," you stated solemnly. "You shouldn't be fighting now, regardless of the reason."

You had only caught the tail end of the argument, but that was enough. You knew exactly what they were discussing. You had been hit in the head during the battle and were unconscious for several days afterward, but when you finally awoke this morning, it was the first thing anyone had told you. Most of the Scouts were dead, including Erwin. The commander could have been saved, but after Eren and Mikasa practically committed mutiny, Levi chose to save Armin instead.

"And what would you have done, Section Commander?" Floch asked, still in the heat of anger. "Everyone knows how sensible you are. Who would you have saved, if it was your choice?"

The room became so quiet that you could've heard a pin drop. You knew that everyone, not just the Scouts, was listening – waiting on bated breath for your answer.

You clenched your teeth, feeling angry that he would dare to drag you into this. "It doesn't matter what I would have done," you stated, your voice deathly quiet, "because it was never my choice. Erwin trusted Levi's judgement, and so do I."

"And if you really want my opinion," you continued scathingly, "the question is not whether we should have brought back Armin – it's 'what will we do, now that we have?'. You all are wasting time arguing about the past, when the reality is that no one could possibly know what the right choice was. No one can see the future. And even if we all end up slaughtered by the time this is over, there's no guarantee that Erwin could have done any better." You paused briefly, letting that sink in.

Your voice steadily grew louder as you added, "And another thing..." You pointed at Armin. "He is not solely responsible for the fate of humanity. Neither is Eren Jaeger, or Captain Levi, or any individual person. We sink or swim together. It's time you all stopped complaining and started pulling your own weight. Because whether or not we survive depends on all of us."

Floch opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, an announcement was made, and the Scouts had to line up for their honors. However, even though you never heard Floch's response, you saw it clearly in his condemning glare. Of course, you would side with Captain Levi.


That night, you sat on your bed in your darkened room, curled lovingly around your partner. You felt terrible that he had been bearing this burden alone during the days that you were unconscious. At least you were here now, though in all honesty, you didn't know what you could do. Some wounds were just too deep to heal.

"My love, it's not your fault," you whispered, not for the first time.

"It is," he rasped, his face buried in your chest. "I made the choice."

You sighed. "It was an impossible choice, Levi. It's not fair that you were forced to make it. It wouldn't have been fair to anyone."

"That doesn't matter!" he hissed.

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