Expecto Patronum (Levi x Witch Reader)

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Author's Note: (P/A) is the reader's Patronus animal.

Levi woke with a start. He bolted upright into a sitting position, his eyes darting around the unfamiliar room, his breaths quick and shallow.

A gentle hand found his shoulder. "Hey, hey. It's okay. You're okay." Levi knew that voice – all at once soothing and agonizingly beautiful. He turned his head toward the sound, and immediately relaxed as his eyes found you sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.

"(F/n)," he breathed.

You smiled, lifting your hand to gently run your fingers through his hair. "I'm here."

Levi looked around the room – slower this time, trying to get his bearings. "And...where exactly are we?"

"We're back at the castle, in the hospital wing." A few months ago, you commandeered this small, abandoned castle, turning it into a sanctuary in which you could practice magic without exposing yourself to the muggles. Levi had visited countless times, though you never had cause to bring him to the infirmary.

Actually, the fact that your castle was just one mile from the Scout Regiment's headquarters made it easy for both of you to travel there whenever you had a break from your duties. Of course, you would go to practice spells or make potions, while Levi would go simply to spend time with you. He wasn't a wizard himself, but you decided to tell him your secret anyway. The two of you had been close for years – although lately, you had become...well, more – and you trusted him completely.

Now, you couldn't help but wonder if you shouldn't have dragged him into this. If he was hurt because of you, you would never be able to forgive yourself. "What's the last thing you remember?" you asked delicately.

Levi's brow furrowed. "I was walking through the woods, coming to see you, and then...everything went cold. I...I didn't..." he stopped, gripping the bedsheets with white knuckles.

"It's okay," you assured him. "It's over. Here, eat this." You held out a large, brown rectangle wrapped in paper. When Levi hesitated, you clarified, "It's alright. It's chocolate."

Normally, Levi hated sweets, but he trusted you. He gripped the chocolate and took a tentative bite. "Thank you," he muttered, feeling slightly better. "Not just for this, but...I heard your voice in the forest, and I assume that bright light was yours, too."

You nodded in confirmation.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "What were those things?"

"Dementors," you said coolly. "Quite a few of them."

Levi absently set the chocolate down on the bed, your answer having drawn his focus. "Dementors?"

"Dark creatures that make people relive their worst memories. They're supposed to be guarding Azkaban – the wizard prison. I have no idea what they would be doing all the way out here." Your gaze drifted off in contemplation, and in fear. Dementors, of all things, wandering around the island! You would be fine of course, being a skilled witch, but the muggles... but Levi...

You had barely made it in time, arriving just as the Dementors were about to perform a kiss. You cast the strongest Patronus of your life, then, sending the Dementors flying off to Merlin-knows-where. But what if you hadn't seen the dark clouds gathering from the castle window and gone to investigate? What if you had been just a minute later in finding the source of that deathly cold void? Levi would have been...

Your whole body froze at the thought.

"I didn't even know what was happening," Levi murmured, almost to himself. "It got so cold, and I...I couldn't do anything." His voice began to shake. "I wanted to, but then I heard the screams...and I saw...and I couldn't..." He brought a hand to his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut. "And I put you in danger," he rasped. "I'm sorry. I'm so weak – "

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