Corpse Bride (Levi x Undead Reader)

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Author's Note: Only ten days until Halloween! Here's another spooky one for you.

"Levi, please," Erwin asked quietly. "The Scouts need this. Humanity needs this."

"But it's not fair!" Hanji exclaimed. "You can't just ask him to –"

"I'll do it," Levi stated solemnly.

"But..." Hanji murmured, "Levi, you'd never be able to marry for love. What if you meet someone –"

"There's only one woman I would have wanted to marry," Levi interrupted. "And she's gone. So it doesn't matter anymore. If the Scouts need me to marry the duchess, I'll do it."

Erwin sighed in relief. "Thank you."


Tomorrow was the big day. Most people would have been excited the night before their wedding. However, all Levi felt was sadness.

He ended up in the forest, walking the darkened, snowy paths that he used to walk with her.

Eventually, he sank down with his back against a tree. "(F/n)," he whispered, resting his forehead on his knees. "What am I doing?"

He hissed a breath, feeling his throat constrict.

"It should've been you. I wanted it to be you."

Even though he tried to hold it in, a quiet, broken sob escaped his lips. But it didn't really matter. There was no one around for miles.

Suddenly, Levi felt something grab his foot, and he jerked his head up in surprise. He hadn't heard anything approach him. But when he looked down, several bones were clutching his boot. Not just bones – a skeletal hand, breaking through the dirt.

"What the hell?" Levi exclaimed as he tried to shake the thing off.

However, despite the fact that the hand had no muscles, it was strong – stronger than him. Levi tried to pull it off, but more hands emerged, clawing at his arms, his legs, his chest.

Levi was powerless to stop them as they dragged him down into the cold ground.


When Levi regained consciousness, he was lying on something soft. He was about to open his eyes, but he hesitated when he heard the sound of hushed voices.

"How could you do this? He must have been terrified! Not to mention, you've broken just about every rule by bringing him here!"

"But we heard him say your name, and he was crying. We thought that this must be the man you told us about!"

The second voice was foreign to Levi, but he thought he recognized the first. It sounded like...but it couldn't be...

He opened his eyes.

"Levi!" (f/n) exclaimed. "You're awake!"

"Wha...what?" Levi stammered.

This was impossible. She was dead. He had watched her die. But the woman in front of him looked and sounded just like her. Except...she was blue.

Was this a dream?

Levi squeezed his eyes shut, gritting his teeth against the pain. He couldn't take this. Not now. Not when losing her had hurt so much...

He felt a cold but gentle hand on his cheek. "Levi?" she whispered.

He shook his head, keeping his eyes firmly shut.

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