First Kiss (Levi x Reader) - Levi's POV

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He awoke with a gasp. Body shaking. Heart pounding. Mind reeling.

He was too late. The choice he made back then was wrong. And because of that, he had to watch the woman he loved be devoured by a titan. His worst nightmares had come true.

"Shh," an angelic voice cooed, and Levi felt a comforting touch on his arm. "It was just a nightmare, Levi. You're safe. You're home. It's okay."

He focused on that sound, on the woman in front of him. But...she was this possible?

"(F/n)?" he croaked. "You''re alive?"

Sadness and concern crossed her features. "Yes, Levi. I'm alive. I'm here."

Relief flowed through him, but it wasn't enough. He was in a panic – desperate to feel that she was alive and whole. Without thinking, he grabbed the back of her head and kissed her.

She stiffened, and it was only then that Levi realized what he had done. What he was still doing.

He jerked away, mortified at his own actions. He hadn't told her that he loved her. He could never bring himself to. He was terrified of how much it would hurt if he lost her, and also, he didn't want to ruin the relationship they currently had by making things awkward.

(F/n) was his lieutenant and his friend. She had been sleeping in his bed for a while now – just sleeping, nothing else. Both of them were plagued by terrible nightmares, and having each other close helped ease their distress. Before she came into the picture, he had barely been able to sleep for two hours each day.

However, they were careful to be discreet about their arrangement. If anyone found out, they would doubtless get the wrong idea, and he didn't want to have to explain why he shared a bed with his subordinate. Neither he nor (f/n) wanted to discuss their nightmares with anyone but each other.

"I...I'm s-sorry...I..." Levi stammered, trying but failing to get the words out. "I didn't m-mean..."

However, (f/n) didn't look upset. In fact, she smiled at him – that same, soft smile that always took his breath away. "It's okay," she murmured. "You can kiss me if you want to. I don't mind."

Her response caught Levi completely by surprise. He didn't know what exactly he had been expecting, but it certainly wasn't that. " d-don't?" he whispered.

She shook her head. But if he was surprised before, her next words left him in absolute shock. "I like you, Levi. In...that way."

Warmth filled his chest. He couldn't believe it – that this smart, strong, perfect woman felt the same way about him that he did about her. Too embarrassed to meet her eyes, he glanced down, feeling a blush form on cheeks as he stuttered, "I...I know this is obvious, but...I l-like you t-too."

He wished he had the courage to look at her while he said it, as well as the ability to make his words flow smoothly, but he had never felt so out of his element. He had never loved anyone like this before.

"I'm happy to hear that," she murmured.

Levi glanced up. (F/n) didn't seem to care that he couldn't express himself properly. She was simply content to hear that the person she loved reciprocated her feelings – just like he was.

For a moment, Levi felt a flicker of happiness as well. But then a thought entered his mind, and shame flowed through him.

Of course, he had never imagined he would actually kiss (f/n), but if he did, he would have wanted their first time to be special. Not that he knew how to make it so, as he had never kissed anyone before. He just knew that he didn't want it to happen like this – suddenly and desperately, after thinking she was dead. He wanted to get it right, for her.

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