White Rose (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Thanks for 900K reads! We're almost to one million, my friends! *blush*

"But why do I have to go?" you whined to Erwin. Although he was technically your commander, he was also your older brother, so things were quite informal when you were in private. "It's just a bunch of stuffy nobles with their small talk and preening."

"(F/n), you're a section commander now," Erwin reminded you with an amused smile. That jerk. "Attending these functions is part of your new responsibilities. It's important that we interact with the people who are helping to fund our regiment. Besides, everyone is eager to meet you after your exploits on the last mission. You're becoming quite famous."

"But a ball, Erwin?" you insisted. "I mean...what if some crusty old guy asks me to dance? What if a bunch of crusty old guys ask me to dance?"

"What are you worried about? You're a wonderful dancer," Erwin stated encouragingly, intentionally missing the point.

You shot him a glare. "You know what I mean."

Erwin chuckled. "Come on. Even Levi attends, and you know how...anti-social...he can be. If he can stomach it for a few hours, so can you."

"Well, excuse me for not eagerly obeying your every whim like a dog," you quipped.

Erwin's smile turned sly. "You just wish Levi obeyed your orders like a dog," he murmured.

Your breath caught. "E–Erwin!" you squeaked, blushing furiously.

Your brother just laughed. He was the only one who knew about your crush on the raven-haired captain. Being his usual, annoyingly insightful self, he had figured it out, even though you were determined not to tell anyone. Ever since, he had been teasing you to no end. And on occasion, he actually encouraged you to tell Levi how you felt, but you never did.

You glared at him, sputtering half-baked threats and insults until he finally calmed down. 

"Alright, I'm sorry," he said, sounding distinctly not sorry as he waved you off. "But will you please go to the ball? If you do, I'll buy you any dress you want."

That piqued your interest. "Any dress?" you asked, your eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Erwin held out his pinkie, indicating the sincerity of his promise. "Any dress," he confirmed.

After staring him down for a long moment, you reached out and wrapped your pinkie around his. "Deal."


You made sure that Erwin's promise came back to bite him, but you weren't as cruel as you could have been. After all, the dress wasn't that expensive. Besides, in your opinion, the one you picked outshone even the most expensive dresses in Sina.

It was pure, sparkling gold, with off-the-shoulder straps and a heart-shaped neckline. The bodice hugged your waist – accentuating your perfect figure that you had earned from years of training – before spilling out into a flowing, floor-length skirt. That skirt parted nearly to your thigh on one side, allowing you to move freely. Around the slit, the dress was bunched and ruffled to give it some flair – as if the gold wasn't enough.

To go with it, you purchased gold heels that weren't all that comfortable, but they looked gorgeous. And when you added in your gold necklace, gold makeup, and sleek, styled hair, the effect was stunning. You looked like a lioness from one of Erwin's forbidden books – commanding and powerful.

That suited you just fine. After all, the more intimidating you were, the less chance you had of being asked to dance.

"Worth every penny," Erwin stated when he met you in the foyer of Scout Regiment Headquarters.

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