Carve Your Words (Levi x Reader Soulmate AU)

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Today was the day. You had been dreaming of it for years. You were eighteen, and that meant you could finally write to them. Your soulmate.

You had spent weeks imagining what you would say. However, no words seemed good enough. So in the end, you went with a simple Hi, written in black ink on your forearm.

A moment later, the ink disappeared. And you waited.

After a few minutes that seemed to drag on forever, you felt a slight tingling sensation as they responded.

So, it's you then?

You grinned. Yeah. It's me. As an afterthought, you added, My name's (f/n). What's yours?


You whispered his name, cherishing the sound. Well, Levi, it's nice to meet you.

I'm at work now. Don't bother me.

You blinked, caught off-guard by the curt statement. You tried not to let it get to you, though. Okay, we can talk later.

He didn't reply.

You sighed, your shoulders slumping a bit as you stared at the blank skin of your arm. Well, it hadn't gone exactly as you imagined it would, but that was okay. Levi was your soulmate for a reason, right? It would work out.

You hoped.

Since you couldn't talk to Levi, you spent the rest of the day imagining what he might be like. However, you couldn't gather much from your limited exchange of words. The only thing you knew was that he had to be at least as old as you were. The writing only worked if both soulmates had turned eighteen.


How old are you? you asked a respectable amount of time later.

It took Levi a few minutes to respond. Twenty-four.

Oh. So he was older than you. But when you thought about it, six years didn't seem like that much of a difference. Besides, you were soulmates, so what did it matter, anyway? Still, you hesitated before replying, I just turned eighteen.

Yeah, I figured.

You breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't seem like he was bothered by your age. Sorry I kept you waiting. I hope you didn't think I was a jerk when I didn't respond to your messages.

I never wrote any.

You felt a stab in your chest, but whether it was sadness, confusion, or maybe both, you couldn't tell. You paused, not knowing how to react. Oh. Can I ask why?

I don't want a soulmate.

The words hurt – probably more than they should have, since you barely knew him. Still, this was supposed to be your perfect match, the person who would love you forever. Yet he didn't want you.

You felt like you might cry, but then, a thought entered your mind. If you don't want a soulmate, why did you respond? Why are you still responding? You could have just ignored me.

A few minutes passed before Levi answered. I don't know.

Your heart fluttered. At least it wasn't an outright dismissal. That meant there was still hope. You must want it a little, deep down. Why else would you be talking to me?

Stop acting like you know everything. It's annoying.

You sighed. Look, I'll make you a deal. Just give this a chance. We don't ever have to meet if you don't want to. But at least talk to me.

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