Young Love (Teenage Levi x Teenage Reader)

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You carefully crept through the streets of the Underground City, trying not to draw any attention to yourself. Of course, dirty, starving children were common enough down here that people typically didn't care much. However, every now and then, a slaver would pass through, so you could never be too cautious.

Of course, now that you were beginning to blossom into womanhood, you also had to be wary of men who might try to take advantage of you. Thus, whenever you went out, you always wrapped your chest tightly and hid your hair in your hat. Additionally, you never wore skirts or dresses – only pants. For all anyone could tell, you were a boy. And that guise kept you safe.

After about ten minutes of walking through dirt and darkness, you arrived at a familiar house. You knocked softly, only to have the door thrown open as soon as your hand touched it.

"Kenny?" Levi gasped, sounding a lot more frantic than usual. But when he saw your face, his hopeful expression turned into one of disappointment. "Oh, it's you."

"Nice to see you too, friend," you grumbled bitterly. However, you refrained from any more scathing remarks when you noticed the state he was in.

His face was smudged with dirt, and a bandage had been poorly wrapped over his left eye. He seemed anxious, maybe even scared. And so, very sad.

"Can I come in?" you murmured, a lot softer than before.

Levi nodded and stepped aside, allowing you to enter. Once the door was securely shut behind you, you pulled off your hat, letting your hair tumble free. Then you turned to face him. "What's wrong, Levi?" you asked gently.

He seemed to curl in on himself as he muttered, "Kenny's gone."

You blinked in surprise. "Gone? What do you mean? he..." You almost didn't want to say it, afraid of being indelicate when Levi was so clearly upset. "...dead?"

"No," Levi mumbled. ""

"Left?" you asked incredulously. "Why would he...oh, you know what, never mind. Just come here."

You took Levi's hand and guided him to sit on the couch, trying to make him more comfortable. However, he seemed unable to relax, and he kept glancing at the door, as if he still hoped that Kenny would walk in at any second.

"Now," you murmured, "what do you mean by 'left'?"

Levi swallowed the lump in his throat. His eyes fell to the floor as he replied quietly, "We were, um...out on a job...and I had just taught some guys a lesson. I thought I did fine...but when I looked..." Levi's hands curled into fists so tight that his knuckles turned white. He sniffled a bit before continuing, "Kenny was walking away. He just...left me there. And he hasn't come back."

"Levi," you breathed tenderly, unable to stand seeing your friend hurt like this. You knew he had already lost one parent. And now it seemed he had lost another.

Overcome with the urge to comfort him, you leaned forward and wrapped him in a hug. Levi stiffened, at first, since this was new territory for the two of you. You both had been taught that expressing affection was a sign of weakness, so any touching was kept to a minimum. However, he needed this so much that it only took him a moment to hug you back.

Levi clutched you tightly, his nails digging into your clothes, as if you might slip through his fingers. "He left me," he whispered hoarsely. "He left me alone."

"Shh," you cooed, trying to soothe him. "I'm so sorry, Levi. But you're not alone. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

Levi hissed a breath, and the sound was so pained that it broke your heart. He wasn't crying, exactly – probably because crying was another form of weakness that the adults in your lives had snuffed out – but he was showing a lot more emotion than you had ever seen from him.

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