Lost (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: I recently finished Sarah J. Mass' "House of Earth and Blood", and I decided to write a Levi x Reader version of one of my favorite scenes from her book! All credit to SJM for her amazing work.

It was like a nightmare, one that had haunted Levi over and over. Only now, it was real.

In his head, he could still see his squad – bloody and broken in the forest, and then their bodies being trampled by titans after he ordered them thrown off the wagon.

Of course, he hadn't known at the time that his choices would lead to this. He had told Eren to make the choice he would regret the least, and he had tried to take his own advice. He had believed that following Erwin's plan was the right choice. He had believed that leaving his squad was the right choice. But now, he regretted it all.

Pain shot through his leg with every step he took toward his bedroom. He welcomed it, felt like he deserved it. Then again, perhaps if he hadn't been injured, he would have been able to defend the wagons on their way back, and they could have actually given his squad a proper burial. Just another consequence of his own terrible choices.

Eren was being taken care of by his friends – the blonde one and that girl who was so inexplicably attached to him – so Levi was left alone for the time being. Technically, he was supposed to be the one watching Eren, but no one really cared now. They had all lost too much to be afraid that Eren would transform and eat them all.

Levi limped into his bathroom and turned the shower up to scalding. He removed his harness, then peeled off his uniform.

It was Isabel and Farlan all over again. Levi had been so devastated after their loss that he promised himself never to get attached to anyone else. He couldn't keep that promise, though. Despite his better judgement, there were a few people he had come to care for, his squad among them. Now they were dead, too. And it was his fault.

Naked, he stepped into the shower, the tiles already sweating with condensation. The scalding water blasted his skin like titan steam. He swallowed his scream, his sob, his whimper, and didn't balk from the boiling torrent. Didn't do anything as he let it burn everything away.


Everything had gone wrong today.

The mission to capture the female titan had failed, with nothing to show for it but a staggering number of casualties. Thankfully, you hadn't lost anyone under your command, but Levi...

You couldn't imagine what that must have done to him.

As soon as you ensured that your own squad was safely back in their barracks, you rushed over to the castle where Levi guarded Eren. You didn't know what you could do to take his pain away, but you at least wanted to be there for him.

When you reached the castle, you found Eren and two other cadets in the mess hall. They said they hadn't seen Levi since they got back from the expedition, so you went to search elsewhere. You tried his office, to no avail. Then you checked his bedroom.

After knocking and receiving no answer, you hesitantly pushed the door open. You could hear the shower running in his bathroom, so you figured he must be there. You crossed the room and delicately knocked on the door. "Levi?" you called softly.

He didn't answer. You sat down on the bed, deciding to wait until he was done. After everything he had been through, you couldn't leave without making sure he was alright.

You had known Levi since he joined the Scouts, back when you were still a cadet. At first, he was rude to everyone and utterly unapproachable. That only got worse after his friends, Isabel and Farlan, died on their first expedition. Yet somehow, you and Levi had slowly become close over the past six years. Although you two never said so, it was clear that you cared deeply for each other. So you weren't about to abandon him now.

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