Finding Fulfillment (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

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Author's Note: This is an alternate version of the previous oneshot, "Of Your Own". While having children is great if that's your thing, it is not the only way to find fulfillment, and I wanted to illustrate that. Because this is an alternate version, some sections are the same as the previous oneshot, but I hope that doesn't ruin it for you. Also, like the previous oneshot, this part does mention what happens to Levi in chapter 115 of the manga, so be warned that those little spoilers are in here.

"Guess what?" your friend chimed excitedly, slightly tipsy as she clung to her husband's arm. "We're pregnant!"

"Oh!" you gasped, delighted for her, but also a little surprised. After all, the war had only just ended, and for her to know already... "Congratulations! far along are you?"

"Three months! We only found out a week ago, know..." She leaned in close and whispered, "The constant fighting stresses out our bodies so much that our cycles are never regular, anyway."

You nodded in understanding.

She leaned back and continued, "Anyway, we figured that now was the perfect time to tell everyone! We're already celebrating, right?"

"We sure are," you muttered flatly, not enjoying the raucous noise in the slightest.

The club you were currently standing in was overflowing with soldiers, all celebrating the end of the war. You and your husband, Levi, had been coaxed into coming by your fellow Scouts. Your friend and her husband were here as members of the Garrison regiment.

Her gaze flicked to Levi, who had been standing silently at your side, then back to you. "So, when are you two expecting to...expect?" she asked, slurring her words a little.

"Oh," you murmured. "We aren't. Expecting to expect, I mean."

"But why not?" she exclaimed. "The war is over! It's the perfect time!" She poked at your stomach playfully, then whined, "I want our children to be friends."

"Actually, Levi and I decided not to have children," you informed her, your voice a little more firm this time.

She pouted, then turned to Levi. "And what does your husband have to say about this?" she cooed. "Gotta pass along the genes of Humanity's Strongest, after all!"

"We agreed not to," Levi stated.

To anyone else, his voice was expressionless. However, being his wife, you were able to pick up on the slight variation in his tone. It sounded almost like...regret? Sadness? You glanced at him, but his face was as stoic as ever.

Your brow furrowed.

Had Levi changed his mind? When you got married, there were still titans to fight, and Levi had been adamant about not bringing a child into this world when one or both of you might die and leave it alone. However, now that the titans were gone, and you were no longer at war, had he decided that he did want a child after all?

"Mmm," your friend hummed disappointedly. "Well, that's sad, but I guess it is your decision." She shrugged. Then something across the room caught her eye, and she immediately lit up again. "Oh, honey, it's Lucy! Let's go tell her about the baby!" Without so much as a glance at you, your friend dragged her husband away.

You were in a grey mood for the rest of the party, both because your friend's comments were exasperating, and because you wondered if Levi wanted kids but wasn't telling you. The latter was definitely your biggest concern. It would be just like him to cover up his desires in favor of your own. However, with all the noise and people, this wasn't the time or the place to ask him about it.

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now