Bad Dream

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Hey y'all :) I haven't posted in 21 days and honestly I really don't care >_< I'm not really one of those authors that be like "Omg I am soooo very sorry that i  haven't posted in forever! I will now and forever dedicate my heart and soul to Wattpad. As a matter of fact; YOU GET A PERSONAL IMAGINE ← YOU GET A PERSONAL IMAGINE  EVERYBODY GETS A PERSONAL IMAGINE!!" Like no -.- I don't do all that. But I have been focusing on school and I'm making my Bday plans really early (March 27th is my glo day) so yeah....I have a life too! Also I am addicted to Empire, like I just love love love that show, along with Bring It!


You nervously played with the hem of your shirt as the group before you eagerly ran into the haunted forest. The large doors swung shut leaving you and Harry standing in the cold listening to their screams. You glance over at Harry not surprised to see him anxiously bouncing from foot to foot. He was practically oozing with excitement.

Suddenly, the doors swung open revealing a small trail lit with only a few orange lights. Harry, who’s ready to begin, grabs your hand and practically drags you into the haunted forest. You begin walking nervously looking back and forth.

“(Y/N), are you OK?” he asks. “You’re holding my hand kind of tight.”

“Sorry,” you mutter loosening your grip.

creeeek….. creeeek….. creeeek

You begin frantically looking around trying to find the source of the noise. Harry laughs at your behavior and wraps an arm around you. You want to calm down and just enjoy the forest, but the sound was coming closer.

“Hary, that isn’t an ok - “

“Hello!” A strange voice interrupted what you were saying, and you and Harry slowly turn around to face the mysterious person. Smiling awkwardly, a tall lanky guy sits on a small golf cart with an ax embedded in the back of his head. “Would like a ride to the house?”

“What house?” asks Harry dragging you into the golf cart.

“It’s the house that everyone goes to. People come in the forest, I drive them to the house, and I never see or hear them again,” the man stops talking to look at you. “I do hear their screams occasionally.”

“Harry, babe, I think we should walk,” you say.

“Calm down, it’s just a set. They won’t do anything OC,” Harry explains. He waves his hand in the air to stop you from protesting, and soon the three of you are slowly riding through the forest.

As the golf cart goes down the bumpy path, you squeeze Harry’s hand tightly. Your irregular breathing fills the air, and Harry gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. When you guys arrive at the house, you begin to breathe faster.

“Have fun,” the man says. “Don’t die too fast,” he looks at you, “I enjoy listening to the screams.”

Harry leaps out of the cart not noticing how slowly you’re moving behind him. He eagerly jumps from foot to foot as the two of you make your way into the haunted house. You watch him as he pushes open the door. The house, or shed, is just a long hallway with long rows of torches lining the walls.

As the two of you walk forward, the door slams shut and you immediately hear a chainsaw start up behind you. Turning around slowly, you scream as you see the man from the golf cart holding a chainsaw. He began to run towards you, and not even thinking about checking for Harry. you start to run forward. Harry, who sees you starting run, immediately sprints after you. You make it down the hall when you fall down hitting your head on the floor.

“Harry, help me,” you yell reaching out for him.

“Sorry (Y/N), I'm Harry Styles. I can't die, it would sadden my fans”

Lying on the floor, you frown as you watch Harry sprint out of the small house. Behind you, you can hear the creepy man start to laugh.

“Damn, you just got hoed by your own boyfriend!” he starts to laugh even harder. “How does that feel?” The creepy man lifted up the chainsaw and.................

*Dream Over*

You woke up breathing heavily. As you are clutching your heart, you noticing Harry sleeping like an angel.

"Aww look at him", You say as you grab a pillow. *GIF* 

Harry woke up frantically and stunned, "What was that for?"

 "For leaving me to die", You said as you walked out of the room and slammed the door.

Harry looked at the door dumbfounded and then carried on with his sleep.......


THE MOTHERFUCKING END >_< How was it??? Comment below :)

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