Bathtime Blues

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You raised in an eyebrow as Harry adjusted the purple shower cap on his head. You couldn’t get past the fact that he had once again whipped out his shower cap. Every time the two of you decided to take a bath he would have the damn shower cap and a Domo toy boat.

“You’re ridiculous,” you muttered as you ripped the shower cap off of his head. “Seriously, we’re taking a bath; do you even need this thing?”

Harry let out a scream. “Jeeshus, woman!” he cried. “I spent two hours doing hair! I can’t let it get wet.”

You laughed and grabbed his boat. “Domo says that only punks wear purple shower caps,” you taunted him.

“Oh,” Harry stared intently at the boat for a second.

As the two of you grew quiet, he let out a fake roar and began splashing the water dramatically. Giggling, you gripped the edge of the tub looking at Harry questioningly.

“What are you doing?” you yelled over his enthusiastic sound effects.

“I’m a sea monster,” he let out another roar. “I’m going to kill Domo the sailor and eat him for breakfast.”

He created another wave, and you grabbed the boat so that it would be steady in the water. He roared again making sure to splash the boat. Letting out a war-cry, you tackled him causing water to run over the side of the tub. His body relaxed in shock as you pin his arms down.

“Ha!” you smiled. “I defeated the evil sea monster!”

“Hmm,” his eyes were focused on your lips. “Do you get a prize?”

His hands wrapped around your waist bringing you even closer to him. Just as his lips were about to brush yours, you heard a familiar voice call out:

“Can you guys not get freaky in the bath tub?”

The two of you shoot away from each other, and you look guiltily at the sink where you can see Niall standing there with his eyes squeezed shut.

“Damn, I can’t even brush my teeth without walking on y’all two,” he complained as he stumbled out of the bathroom. “At least try to lock the fucking door next time!”

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