I remember....

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(Harry’s POV)

We’ve been together since we were five. It was the day of my birthday that her family moved into the house across the street. I remembered seeing her holding her hands with her little brother, and with as much courage that a five year old boy could muster, I asked her if she wanted to go to my party. Ever since then we’ve been best friends.

When we started the second grade, I remembered holding her hand every day as we walked to school and sharing my lunchables with her. She would always whine about it until I gave her all the crackers in my box. Normally, I wouldn’t even think about sharing my lunchables (I mean c’mon they’re fucking lunchables!), but there was something about (Y/N) that made it hard for me to say no.

In school, all the other guys would give me grief for hanging with a girl, but I could care less. (Y/N) was cooler than any of the guys at school. She loved basketball, football, and she was a bomb dancer.

It wasn’t until high school that we fell off. Eventually, I’d stop going over her house, calling her phone, and talking to her in the hallways. I had made it on the varsity basketball team my freshman year, and with everyone trying to be best friends with me, I forgot about her. I had gotten myself a girlfriend, and I won’t lie she fine as hell, but by the night of homecoming I had forgotten all about her.

Man, I still remember what (Y/N) looked like on homecoming night. She had her hair curled, and she was rocking the sexiest dress I had ever seen. The whole night I was watching her dance, but I never grew the balls to talk to her.

For weeks after that night, I watched her. I noticed her every time I saw her in the halls, and the urge to reach out and touch her grew stronger with each passing minute.

I can remember the night I had called her. It had been months since we had last spoken to each other and my palms were practically covered in sweat. I had picked up the phone and just sat there for at least ten minutes before I finally dialed her number.

“Hello,” god her voice was beautiful, “Harry?”

“Hey, (Y/N), what you doing?” I tried to keep my voice calm.

“Um,” she paused for a moment and I could hear her move something around, “I’m just trying to find my camera, why?”

“No reason,” I nervously wiped my hands on my pants, “Um… You want to come over?”

And just like that everything that had disappeared between us came rushing back. I rediscovered all the reasons I had enjoyed being with her. I was slowly falling in love with my best friend. I was falling in love with her laugh, her smile, the way her nose crinkles when giggles, her eyes, and how she would always cry at the ending of Lion King. There was nobody I’d rather be with than her.

We spent every second we could with each other. I told her things that I wouldn’t ever tell anyone else, and I devoted every moment I had to her. Each day she would come over my house, eat dinner, and watch a movie with me, and every night before she left I would whisper “I love you” in her ear.

She was my first love, my only love, and the mother of my three children. There is nobody in this world that can replace her.

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