I Found A Boy

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Your POV- 

As I stood looking at the various pictures of Ryan and I, I began remembering all the memories we shared. How I was a fool to fall for his charm until I was trapped in his fire. How I am ashamed to ever admit that I was with him. Every once and awhile he would try to come back, while Harry was away expecting me to crawl back to him and leave Harry. But I would never go back to him. I carefully picked up the photos and tossed them in the trash smiling. *GIF

I walked into the living room and stood against the wall watching Harry trying to come up with a new song. He was too good to be true and I didn’t deserve a guy like him. I am unworthy of his love. He loves me way more than Ryan ever would. His touches sent chills up and down my spine a feeling I had thought I had lost so long ago. Harry actually made me feel loved. He made me feel beautiful.

Harry finally noticed me standing by the doorway looking up at me with a huge grin on his face. I could see that my presence had just had just inspired him with a new line for his song. I watched as he jotted down the last line, then wave me over. 

“Hey Kitten,” Harry called ushering me over to him. “I want you to come hear this new song.” Just his smile had me tingling from head to toe. I strode over to him and sat on his lap letting his sweet melody take me away.

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