Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

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Okay so I haven't posted in 15 days and as usual, i don't care >_< But anywhooo.....I met Malachi Clark downtown :) and I literally fell in love. If you don't know who he is go on google or go on facebook and type in Malachi Clark. You can also find him on Instagram @malachi.clark :) He followed me and my friends on Insta and he added me on Snapchat. I feel so loved. Bu anywho.......ENJOY!

I put this imagine in the wrong Imagine book >_< I hate this new Wattpad thing. OBN I DO!


Your POV

It was just me and him. Alone at last. We didn't have to say anything because we knew what we were doing. Both of us knew this wouldn't last. We were a bomb waiting to go off, but we didn't care. His eyes locked on mine and my breathing slowed. A smirk crossed his face, as he made his a way across the room to where I was standing.

His fingertips caressed the side of my face, sending chills down my spine. My fingers intertwined with his, as the music began to play. He lead the way, and I followed his every movement. Forward. Back. Side. Spin. And the whole time my eyes never left his. His hands slowly began wandering up my thigh, as he dipped me lower to ground.

My lips met with his. He pressed his body against mine only a thin layer of fabric between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, as his hands wandered up my shirt. He slide the thin fabric over my head, biting his lip with anticipation. I returned the favor removing his shirt and revealing his chiseled abs.

His kisses made their way, leaving a small trail down the side of my neck. I tilted my head allowing him easier access. He slipped his fingers down my shorts toying with my wetness. I let out a small moan, and he smirked with satisfaction. I undid his belt, smiling when I saw how large he had grown. He tossed off my shorts, pulling me into his lap.

I let out a sigh of pleasure, as he slid himself inside. We started off slow, but as we went on he couldn't hold it any longer. I buried my face in the crook of his neck unable to contain my screams. As his pace quickened, my screams grew louder and louder. My nails dug into his back; I was nearing my climax. I pulled him closer, my breathing becoming more and more shallow. With one final thrust, he sent me over the edge, and my moans of pleasure were enough to send him to his climax.

We collapsed, struggling to catch our breath. His eyes met mine, but I couldn't meet his gaze. He leaned into to kiss me, but I turned away. "I can't do this, Harry. Not anymore."

He turned my chin, so I was looking him in the eye. "Where is this coming from?"

"This is doomed to not work out. I have a boyfriend, and you have a –" His lips connected with mine, cutting me off mid sentence.

He brushed a loose strand away, cupping my face in his hands. "I don't care about them. All I know is I love you."

"I..." I began hesitantly. "love you too." He lit up, and I let him wrap his arms around me. But in the back of my mind I knew we would never work out. We were doomed, dancing in a burning building.

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