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Harry POV-

I couldn’t take my eyes off her the entire night. While everyone else busied themselves with laughing, chugging down an entire cup of eggnog, and remixing Christmas carols, I caught every glimpse I could of her. The way her smile danced across her beautifully designed face to the way her body moved when she danced gently to the holiday music. She was my best friend. And I was in love with her.

I’d known Y/N practically my entire life, but had only recognized my true feelings for her earlier that year. I don’t know what had evoked the conceived notions that I truly loved her, but ever since they were introduced to my being, she was all I ever thought of.

Once, she had caught me glancing in her direction, and thinking nothing peculiar of the random happening, she gave me a quick wave before returning her attention back to Zayn's girlfriend, Perrie, who seemed to be having an animated conversation with her.

The entire night I felt a sense of awkwardness when I noticed all the boys had their girl with them, but Y/N and I, we were just there. She seemed to think nothing of it at first, but when she’d turned to speak to Perrie, she twisted away quickly when she saw that Zayn and Perrie were indulged in a heated make-out session.

She caught my gaze and smiled out of embarrassment, and I gestured her over. “Wanna go take a walk with me?” I suggested. She glanced at the other couples, and when she realized they were all practicing acts of love-dovey nonsense, she instantly agreed to my invitation and grabbed her outwear from the closet.


Snowflakes swirled around our faces as we trekked slowly across the snow-ridden sidewalk. We entertained conversation, joked, and smiled like the old pals we were, clouds of smoke retreating from our mouths as we did so.

I enjoyed our time together, and every time she’d playfully bump into me, my heart began racing a mile a minute from her touch, and it just about stopped when she grabbed my hand.

“Come on, Harry!” she urged me over to a heaping snow bank. “Come make snow angels with me!”

I proceeded in her request and raced her towards the pile of frozen water. Her adorable giggle pierced the air as we moved our arms and legs against the snow, creating everything but a perfect looking angel. Well, I wouldn’t say that … there had already been a perfect angel beside me the entire time.

She rose from off the ground to eye her masterpiece, but then fell out laughing when she noticed how it looked more like a messy circle than anything else. The only thing noticeable was the impression of her arm. I prostrated beside her and gazed at my mess-of-a-creation. But ever so strangely, the only thing perception-coherent was my right arm, and it appeared that our messes seemed to be holding hands.

I saw her drop her head in a blush, and her shy, “Let’s go back,” signified her knowing of the apparent relationship between our products.

After trampling back to the Zayn’s house, I opened the door to disappear back inside, but just as I stepped a foot through the threshold,  Y/N pulled me back.

Nothing dispersed through her kissable lips, but her eyes showed everything. She glanced upward, and only then had I noticed we were standing directly under the mistletoe.

I felt the tips of my ears grow hot when I felt her fingers braze across the back of my neck, and I almost wondered of her plans until her face neared mine.

Her soft lips touched mine, and I could never have been happier. My arms snaked around her waist and pulled her closely. The familiar curve of her lips indicated her smiling though our kiss, but now, I could actually feel her grin, and that was even better than just seeing it.

“Well it’s about time!”



The sharp conversation jolted us both apart, and we both noticed then that we had an audience. A cheer erupted from our group of friends, Y/N blushed once more. “You guys!” she scolded, embarrassed.

“Well at least now you two won’t be all awkward around us ‘cause you were single,” Zayn shrugged with his arm snug around Perrie’s waist.

Both Y/N and I laughed and rejoined our sneaky friends. I didn’t know about Y/N, but I’d definitely remember that our destined relationship had begun right under the mistletoe.

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