Call Me Maybe

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This Imagine is dedicated to my1Dlife_4eva because she liked almost all of my Imagines. You all should go follower her for me :) btw I'm thinking about making a preference book with ALL of the boys. Should I do it or nah  :) but anyway ENJOY!!!


“Harry move,” you said running my fingers through your hair. *GIF* “I don’t have time for this.” You step to the side, but he steps in your way blocking you from going anywhere.

“Come on (Y/N),” he smiled chuckling at your aggravation. “Please just take it.” He was holding a slip of paper with his number on it. You eyed the paper skeptically before rolling your eyes at it.

“I just met you,” you sigh, Harry still blocking your way. “This is crazy. Just let me by.”

“Not until you take it,” he challenges. You stand eyeing him angrily, but Harry’s eyes never leave yours.

“Fine,” you sigh snatching the paper from his hands. You roll your eyes at Harry’s stupid grin of accomplishment. “Now let me go.”

He stepped to the side letting you by. He watched you walk down the hallway leaving him alone, but before you turned the corner you looked back at him smiling. “Try staying out my way,” you called down the hallway.

“How about you call me maybe,” he responded. You shook your head smiling at his persistence. 

“Maybe,” you replied. “Maybe.”  

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now