First Night Home

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Your POV

"Harry stop it,” I said, smacking his hand away from, our daughter, Darcy's head. “We have been home for two seconds, and you are already playing with her hair.”

“But Its so fluffy,” He replied, reaching for her hair again, but I pulled her away just in time. 

“She doesn’t have enough hair Harry,” I sighed, then Darcy began to cry. *GIF* “Look what you’ve done.”

“I didn’t do that,” He responded, holding his hands up in surrender. 

“Shh. Shh,” I said, in an attempt to calm Darcy down, but she kept on crying. 

“Why won’t she stop?” Harry asked, rubbing the back of his next in frustration.

“If I knew, wouldn’t you think I would have done something,” I snapped. I hadn’t sleep in hours, and Darcy crying was not making things better.

“Maybe she’s hungry,” Harry exclaimed, rushing to the door. “I’ll make some hamburgers.”

“Babies don’t eat hamburgers,” I replied, rolling my eyes at him and settling into the chair next to Darcy’s crib. 

I lifted my shirt, and began feeding her. She immediately stopped crying, grateful to be fed. “I guess we still have a lot to learn,” I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

“I guess so, but you’ll do great,” He replied, leaning down and kissing me on the forehead. “You always do. That’s why I love you.”

“I love you too, Harry.”

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now