It Hurts To Love You

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Your POV

I scream out in pain as Harry drags me down the hall by my hair. The tears are running down my face, and I grab onto his arm begging him to let me go. He throws me into the bathroom, and I fall onto the cold tile, smacking my head against the edge of the tub. I curl up into a ball, hoping to get away from him, but he yanks me to my feet.

“You thought I wouldn’t find out?” Harry whispers. He shakes my shoulders roughly, and I cry out in fear. “You thought your friends wouldn’t let it slip that you were planning on moving out?”

I grab onto his arms, sobbing loudly. He grabs my face roughly so that I’m forced to look at him. The tears are falling down my face harder, and he smirks in satisfaction.

“You thought I wouldn’t find out about Zayn?”

“He’s just a friend,” I cried. “Baby, it wasn’t anything. Baby, I promise.”

He shoves me back, and I fall into the tub. My hand slams against the wall, and I grabbed it screaming out in pain. Harry hovers over me pinning my arms above my head. I thrashed around, but he slapped me immediately causing me to freeze. His hands reach for his belt buckle, and I cried as he slid my shorts down.

“Harry, stop!” I screamed. “Harry!”

“Shut up!” His fist connected with my jaw. *GIF, Fake like It's Harry hitting you*

I open my mouth to scream out again, but he slammed himself inside of me. I cried out attempting to push him away from me. His arms wrapped around me, trapping me underneath him. I buried my face in his chest so that I wouldn’t have to see his face. He felt raw inside of me, and I screamed in pain. He finished quickly taking the extra time to sloppily kiss me. I stared him in fear as he stood up. His massive body towered over me making me well aware of how much I was trapped by him.

“Get up,” he said. “I want you in bed soon,” he moved to leave, but stopped to look back at me. “If you aren’t there in five minutes, I’ll come get you myself.”


Your POV

“Can’t you do anything right?” Harry screamed. He turned towards me, and I shrank back in fear. He approached me causing me cover my face with my hands. “I’m talking to you, bitch!”

“I’m sorry,” I tried to back away only to stumble into the wall. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry.” I cried loudly. “Don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me.”

He grabbed me by the back of my neck, and I screamed out in fear. He dragged me up the stairs and into the bedroom tossing me on the floor. I hit the carpet immediately trying to get away from Harry. His hands wrapped around my ankles preventing me from escaping.

“No!” I screamed. “Baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” The sobs were coming out louder. “Please, I’m sorry. Don’t hit me. I’m sorry. Baby, please!”

He roughly grabbed me yanking me up to my feet. I cried as he shoved me on the bed. He undid his pants ripping off my dress. His hands grabbed my face forcing me to look at him as he slowly began stroking himself.

“You were supposed to be pleasing me tonight,” he said softly.

“I’m sorry. I’ll do anything,” I begged. “I’m sorry.”

“I know you’ll do anything,” he said. 

He grabbed my head forcing my lips around his thingy-thing. He thrusted in my mouth and I cried out silently as he went in too deep. I gagged, but he only moved faster. He came in my mouth, and I pulled away from him choking on the liquid. His hand wrapped around my neck as he crashed his lips on mine. His tongue roughly moved against mine, and I whimpered when he pinned me to the wall.

“Don’t do that shit again, OK?” his hand gently caressed my cheek, and he placed a quick kiss on my temple. “I don’t want to do this to you, baby. I love you, OK?”

I nod my head fearfully. “I love you too,” I whisper.

“Good,” he smiled sadistically. “Good.”

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