I Wanna Be

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Harry watched you as you amusingly tilted your head every which way scrunching your mouth up in concentration. You stared intensely at your painting. You couldn’t help, but feel that something was off about it. 

“Something’s missing,” you announced crossing your arms across your chest. You watched as Harry picked up paintbrush and skillfully dipped it into the black paint. He added a long black stroke that somehow brought the piece together.

“There,” he smiled tossing the paintbrush in the water cup. 

“That’s it. That’s it,” you chanted excitedly jumping into Harry’s arms. “You did it! We did it!” You were so excited that you kissed Harry right on the lips. “Oops,” you blushed, but Harry pulled you back into another kiss. 

You raised your eyebrow at him as he set you back onto the floor. “What was that about,” you asked curiously looking at Harry. *GIF*

“Look, I know we’ve been friends for a while,” he started taking your hand in his. “But I’ve been meaning to confess to you. It’s going to be hard, but.” He slowly trailed off.

“Confess what,” you asked admiring how his warm hand felt in yours. You gently squeezed his hand reassuring him that he could tell you anything.

“I wanna be that guy that you call your man,” he announced. You wanted to say something, but he cut you off. “I wanna be that shoulder you cry on, the person you go to for advice, that person that’s always there for you. I don’t just wanna be your friend anymore (Y/N). I wanna be your man.” You were shocked that a guy cared this much about you.

“I don’t know what to say,” you confessed looking away from him. He gently lifted your chin up so that you were looking him right in the eye.

“I wanna be the first person you call in the morning and the last person you speak to. Whatever you need I got it,” he announced resting his forehead against yours. “I’ll be your friend, your lover, your fighter, your protector. Lace you up in the hottest fashions. Maybe the next car I’ll buy will be for you. Whatever you need (Y/N) I’ll be it. Just let me be your man.”

He leaned down and lightly brushed his lips against yours kissing you passionately. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer. 

“Alright Harry,” you smiled resting your head against his chest. “You got me.”

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