Nobody Like You

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This imagine is dedicated to HazzaLover211994 because she loves my imagines and she liked every single one of them. Go and read her stories and follow her :)


You throw your books into your locker not even bothering to check and see if they were stacked neatly. After spending hours upon hours working on exams, you were just happy that they were over. As you toss the last book into your locker, you hear a familiar voice making his way down the hall.

“Aye, (Y/N),” Harry, the guy that you sorta kinda hooked up with last week, stands beside your locker. His trademark smirk makes you weak in the knees, and you grip the edge of your locker to support yourself. “I haven’t seen you all day.”

“Well, I was taking my math exam,” you say rolling your eyes. “But you’re right it feels like forever. Where’ve you been?”

He shrugs allowing his eyes to quickly run up and down your body. “I’ve been thinking about things… about people… about you,” he whispers. “I’m really trying to take you out on a date this weekend. We’ve been talking for awhile, you know?”

“Yeah, I know,” you close your locker and adjust your backpack. You begin to turn to walk away, but Harry is hot on your heels.

“You see, Kitten, I’ve been thinking about how good we look together - and might I say we look pretty damn good. I just got to have you and make you mine,” he bites his lip seductively and it takes all of your self control to not kiss him. “So can I?”

“Can you what?” you ask flirtatiously. 

“Can I make you my girlfriend?” he asks. His fingers intertwined with yours sending small shocks running up and down your arm. “You just stay on my mind all the time, and I need you in my life.”

“ you already got me,” you respond playfully. “I’ve been sold on you since day one.”

He laughs not hesitating to wrap his arms around your waist. *GIF* “Damn, if I knew that, I wouldn’t have taken so long to ask you out.”

“It’s OK,” you say. “I don’t mind.”

He lowers his head down to yours so that his forehead is resting on yours. You smile up at him, but before you can say anything, his lips are on yours.

“What was that for?” you ask.

“It was just a way for me to show you how much I love you.

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