Stop Falling

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*Authors Note*

Snapchat: Kayy.dixon

Instagram: Kayy.dixon

Kik: xoxo__Karla (two underscores)

I do personal imagines so if you want one just kik me. Btw I am almost close to my 100th imagine. And as you know from my first imagine book, I give shoutsouts on my 100th imagine. So all the people that showed me the most love will be in that 100th imagine shoutout. It is not too late to still show me love and get on the 100th imagine shoutout.

Btw, i've been deciding if i want to make a 3rd imagine book or make a story after this imagine book is all over with. So comment below on what you think I should do :) I will let you guys know what I will decide on my very last imagine :) So just comment on what you think I should do.

So follow me on instagram, snapchat me, and kik me :) and don't be afraid to ask for a personal imagine :) I honestly don't mind :)


Harry’s POV

I leaned down cradling (Y/N) face in my hands, wiping her tears away. “You don’t love me, do you?” she whispered, staring up at me with her beautiful brown eyes.

I sighed heavily, unsure of how exactly to explain this to her. “Look, (Y/N),” I began looking away from her. I couldn’t take her staring at me anymore. I dropped my hands to my sides, slouching my shoulders. 

“I’m not looking for love,” I began, watching her face fall. I could see it in her face, and it broke my heart. “I’ve had a hard life. I just can’t believe in love anymore.”

“But I love you,” she cried. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

“I may be young, but I’m not naive. I’ve lived through a lot and I just can’t find a way to believe you,” I replied. I couldn’t face her gaze any longer.

“I need you Harry

,” she sobbed, her tears falling harder. Her fingers reached out grazing the side of my face. I took all my strength to not pull her into a kiss right that second.

“You don’t need me. You are better off without me,” I tried to explain to her. “I’m broken (Y/N), so you might as well stop falling for me.” I turned away from her heading towards the door.

“Then, what was this?” she cried sobbing harder. “What about all the times we shared?”

“This was me looking for better days,” I said, turning to face her. “This was me trying to make you feel good.”

“So you’re telling me we had nothing?” she yelled, anger filling her eyes.

“No,” I sighed glancing her over one last time. “I’m telling you I’m ending this before someone gets hurt.”


“Because I’ve learned from experience, that love is not my friend. It only causes pain,” I replied. I didn’t even wait for her reply. I just left, before she could change my mind.

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