What Happened

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Brace yourselves, this Imagine is long. Just saying, Enjoy!!!!!!


You and Harry were driving home from dinner in his benz. You were both laughing at how awful the waiter was. “And then he spilled it all over himself,” Harry was saying as he pulled up to a stop sign. You both were laughing so hard at the thought of that waiter.

Harry began to drive again after stopping at the stop sign. You and Harry were laughing so hard that Harry didn’t see the car coming. 


Glass was the last thing you saw before you blacked out.

You woke up to to the sterile smell of bleach. You looked over to see Harry sitting beside you holding you hand. He was sleeping when you woke up. You could see the stubble of an unkempt beard growing under his chin. How long have I been here you wondered as you sat up in the thin hospital sheets. Your head was killing you. You reach up to touch the part of your head that was hurting only to find that the hair there was gone. You gasped in shock when you felt the huge line of stitches that went across your scalp. 

Your mini shriek had woken Harry up. “(Y/N). Are you okay? I’m so sorry. I love you and the thought of losing you,” Harry whispered shaking his head. “I should have been paying attention. It should be me in that bed,” Harry cried out tears starting to flow down his face. You were so confused and seeing Harry like this made you even more confused. 

“Harry,” you croaked. “What happened?”

“We were in a car accident (Y/N). A car ran the stop sign and hit the passenger side of the car. When the ambulance got there you were unconscious and weren’t responding. You have had 3 different surgeries. You have been in the hospital for almost 4 weeks,” Harry explained. It all finally started clicking. The last thing you remembered seeing was glass going flying everywhere. You begin to tear up at the thought of almost dying.

Harry gently wrapped his arms around you. “I’m just so happy you’re okay. I stayed here everyday. The only time I left was when Louis made me. He said I stunk"

You giggled at the thought of Louis saying that, but it hurt to laugh. “The other boys came by,” you asked noticing the various cards, balloons, and bouquets of flowers that decorated the sterile room.

“Of course. Niall, Liam, and Louis were here every once and awhile, but Zayn was here almost as much as I was,” he replied. You smiled at the bouquet of yellow daisies you knew were from Zayn. Whenever he sent you flowers they were always yellow daisies, your favorite. You couldn’t help but notice Harry was staring at your stitches. 

“I’ll get better Harry,” you croaked rolling your eyes at him. “You don’t have to blame yourself. It’s not your fault.”

He rests his forehead against yours. “I know,” he sighed. “But it’s a constant reminder of how I screwed up.” 

But before you could reply the doctor walked in. “Good you’re up,” he stated as he came in through the door. “I wanted to tell you both this at the same time.”

For some reason it was hard to talk so you just listened as Harry spoke for you. “What did you want to tell us,” he questioned looking up toward the doctor.

“By some miracle you are pregnant (Y/N),” he responded smiling. “You two are very lucky! The baby wasn’t quite developed so it survived the high impact of the crash. Congratulations!” He smiled once again and then turned and left leaving you and Harry alone.

Harry was so excited he could hardly contain himself. “It’s going to be a boy. I know it. I’m so excited. I’m going to be a father,” he cheered. But you couldn’t feel happy. You just sat there in shock watching Harry jump around like a little boy because deep down you knew that there was a possibility this baby was Zayn's.

You watched Harry jump up and down in excitement. It was only one time, you rationalized. There is no way it could be Zayn's baby, you thought sitting up in your hospital bed. You glanced out the window and watched the softly delicate snow fall against the trees outside. You attention was quickly snapped back when you heard the door open. Zayn walked in holding a bundle of balloons saying get well better. 

Harry didn’t hesitate to share the news with him. “(Y/N) is pregnant. We are having a baby,” Harry exclaimed. You could tell that Harry’s statement threw Zayn off. By the questioning stare Zayn was giving you, you knew that he was thinking the same thing you were. That this child might be his. “I guess I got the wrong type of balloons then,” Zayn joked trying to hide his suspicions from Harry.

You needed to talk to Zayn alone. You quickly came up with a plan to get Harry out of the room. “Harry can you get me some water,” you croaked trying to sound as sick as possible.

“Anything for the woman carrying my child,” he smiled sauntering off to the cafeteria. You shivered at the thought of Harry finding out about you and Zayn.

As soon as the door clicked shut Zayn began asking questions. “Does he know about us,” he asked setting the balloons near the window.

“Of course not. You saw how happy he was,” you replied watching Zayn as he began to pace in front of you.

“You have to tell him it isn’t his. You told me, yourself, you haven’t been with him in weeks,” he decided.

The thought of not being with Harry caused your heart to sink and you began to cry. “I can’t tell him. It would devastate him,” You begin tears falling down you face when Harry walks in.

He looks from you to Zayn and notices the tears falling down your face, “What would devastate me,” he asks quickly making his way over to the bed. “(Y/N) What’s wrong? Zayn what did you do?”

You and Zayn were both silent. “Is someone going to tell me what is going on,” Harry yelled getting agitated with the both of us. Zayn shot me a look that was telling me that he wasn’t going to say anything. You would have to be the one to tell him.

You couldn’t face looking at Harry so you looked down and played with you hands. “The baby isn’t yours Harry,” you whispered barely loud enough for anyone to hear.

Tears began to form in Harry’s eyes. “What did you just say,” Harry asks though he didn’t really want the answer.

“The baby is Zayn’s,” you whispered a little louder silent tears streaming down your face. 

Harry grabbed your face and roughly turned it towards his so that you were looking in the eye. “So you’re telling me you have been sleeping with my best friend behind my back,” he questioned already knowing the answer. You looked away from Harry your eyes pleading with Zayn for some help, but he just looked away. Harry quickly released your face and placed his head in his hands.

“It was just one time,” you sobbed trying to explain yourself to the man you loved. Tears were pouring down your face more than before.

“And!!!! that doesn't makes it any better,” Harry snapped turning away from you. “You still cheated.”

“But I love you,” you cried wishing you could get out of the bed to hug him.

“I love you too, but I can’t forgive this,” he said solemnly. He looked at you one more time over his shoulder. For a brief moment you thought he was going to stay, but he turned and walked out the door.

1 year later....

You slowly traced the curls of the sleeping child lying in your arms. He had his father’s hair. You smiled when you saw Zayn, your finance, walk in the door from from work.

“Hey (Y/N),” he called walking over to kiss you and the child on the forehead. 

“Shhh,” you whispered. “I just got him down to sleep.”

“Sorry,” he whispered. “I had a long day. I’m going to take a nap,” he called making his way up the stairs.

You pulled out the letter you had started a few months ago. You were struggling to get the courage to mail it to him. You just knew he hated you after the way it ended that night in the hospital. He never spoke to you again, but you still loved him. You slowly glanced over at your words on the page.

Dear Harry,

I didn’t know how to tell you in person, so I wrote you this letter. The beautiful baby boy I gave birth to is yours, Harry. I named him Edward. I knew you would like that name. He grows bigger every day and is now starting to look like you. He has your curls. Zayn still doesn’t know, but I don’t think I’m going to tell him. It would hurt him too much. I think about you everyday. I can still picture the day you walked out on me. I mean you had the right to. I just felt like it could have gone a lot better. I didn’t want it to end like that. I love Zayn, but I will never love him like I loved you. I just want you to know I’m sorry and I will always love you Harry.



You placed the sleeping child down and placed the letter in the envelope. You walked outside and slipped the letter in the mailbox. You sighed in relief happy that you finally got that off your chest. His reply didn’t matter as long as you had finally told him. It was too late to change anything anyway.

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