Hard To Get

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This is a personal Imagine for Lovelyemmuh because she followed me on insta and commented under one of my pictures and asked for one. So yea :) Btw some people followed me but they didn't comment so I guess they won't get one. But anyway ENJOY!


Harry POV-

I watch as you walk past me. It’s been the third day I’ve been here, and she still hasn't given me her number. Normally, I would shake women off and move on to the next, but there was something enticing about her. I knew that if I gave up now I would only spend the rest of God knows how long thinking about her.

she paused at my table and hand me my order of fries. I smile up at her, but she rolls her eyes and move on to the next table. Unable to stop my wandering eyes, I watched her ass as she walked around the room.

“So why are you still here?” she ask slamming my beer down on the table. “You sure are persistent.”

I stare at my beer in surprise. Normally, she would hardly spare me a glance, but here she was speaking to me.

“Well, I decided that it would benefit me greatly if I were to get you to go on a date with me,” I fiddle with my plate of fries.

“How so?” you ask sitting beside me.

“Shouldn’t you be waitressing?” I ask silently.

“There’s nobody else here except you. We closed half an hour ago,” she laughs, and I try to memorize the sound. “So we need you to leave.”

“I’ll leave if I get your number,” I propose. “And if you go on a date with me.”

“Well in that case, you’ll be sitting here for a while.”

She briskly stood up, and I grabbed her hand unwilling to allow her to leave. She turns to look at me causing me to swallow nervously. I was getting mesmerized by her eyes which were looking at me like I had committed a crime.

“Can I just give you my number?” I ask desperately.

She rolls her eyes, but gestures for me to continue, and I hastily grab a pen and write my number on a piece of paper. I hand to her watching in disbelief as she storms off into the kitchen. It only takes me a few seconds to grab my items and bolt out of the restaurant.

Locking my apartment door behind me, I stumble into the living room dropping onto the sofa. Zayn looks at me for a second then returns his attention to the television. We sit in silence before I hear my cell phone buzz.

I pull out my phone frowning when I don’t recognize the number. Deciding that if it was a bill collector I could always hang up, I hesitantly answer the phone.


“Oh, hey,” the waitresses voice floats over to me. “This is Harry, right?’

“Yes!” I shout. Zayn glares at me, and I force myself to remain quiet.

“Oh,” you laugh. “I didn’t think I’d call you… It’s Emma from the diner; I decided to take you up on your offer for a date.”

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