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This Imagine is dedicated to all of the girls who don't feel comfortable with the way they look. I just want to let you know that you are beautiful and dont let anybody tell you any different. God made you just the way you are, embrace it ^.^ Listen to the song on the side. Hopefully that will make you feel better ^.^ Love ya.


You stand in front of the mirror in your bra and underwear examine your imperfections. You pinched the fat in your thighs and in your belly. *GIF*  You scoffed at yourself in the mirror wondering why Harry is interested in you. You were so busy hating yourself that you didn’t hear Harry walk into the room.

He watched you frown at yourself in the mirror. “Why am I so fat,” you questioned yourself squeezing your tummy fat. You eyed the picture of the bone skinny model you kept taped to the corner of your mirror. 

Harry saw you eyeing the picture of the starving girl and had seen enough. He walked over to the mirror, and snatched off the picture. He immediately ripped the picture up and threw it in the trash. You were about to protest, but Harry stopped you.

“This is not beautiful (Y/N),” he corrected. “I don’t care if you’re skinny or not. I love your curves. I love the way your ass fits into your jeans. The way your body fits perfectly in between mine. You don’t have to be skinny to get my love.”

You shook your head not believing what Harry was telling you. You just couldn’t believe that someone would want a thick girl like you. “But everyone says I am. Even if they don’t say it I know they are thinking it,”  you replied turning away from the mirror. Harry walked over to you and took your hand in his.

“(Y/N) I can see the pain in your eyes, but I don’t understand why you let them get to you. Don’t listen to them (Y/N). They don’t matter. Just let me show you how to love yourself,” he replied brushing his fingers against your thick curves. “Let me help you (Y/N). If you let me love you, you’ll learn to love yourself.”

You begin to cry. No one had ever told you they loved you or your body. Harry’s confession really hit your heart. Harry pulled you closer into a tight hug. He let you cry on his shoulder. He silently stroked your hair holding you close. 

“I wanna be the one to make you smile again,” he continues pulling away so he is looking you right in the eye. 

“You are beautiful. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise,” Harry says. You nodded your head finally now getting it. Harry leaned in and placed a sweet simple kiss on your lips.

You had never felt this way before. Somehow Harry had melted the numbness away from you heart and brought it back to life. It felt good to know you had someone who loved every last one of your imperfections.

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