Which one?

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As fun as it was to argue with people >_< the strike is officially over! But I won't have a problem to go on a strike again. So anyway, ENJOY!!!!!!!! And happy late Halloween :)

Your POV-

I stood in front of the mirror, comparing two dresses. “Which one Harry?” I said, turning around and sitting in front of my computer.

“The blue one,” He smiled.

“But I like the red one,” I frowned, holding in up one last time.

He shook his head at me. “You can never make up your mind,” He laughed.

“This is so hard,” I sighed, throwing the dresses down in frustration. “Guys have it so much easier.”

“Babe, I’m sure whatever you wear you’ll look sexy in,” He smirked, causing me to blush.

“I just wish you would be here for my big show. It’s my biggest fashion show ever, and you aren’t even gonna be here to support me,” I frowned, playing with the edge of my shirt.

“I know,” he replied, sighing heavily. “But i’ll be home this week. And I’m sure you’ll knock ‘em dead.”

I looked away nervously, hoping everyone would like my new collection. “Look at me (Y/N),” he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. “You are going to do great. I’ve seen your stuff, and it’s amazing. Just like you.”

A smile spread across my face. “Thanks Harry,” I blushed. “I just really wish you could come. I miss you.”

“I miss you too, but when I get back you can give me a private show,” He smirked, winking at me.

I shook my head at him. “I love you Harry,” I smiled.

“I love you too."


The song on the side is for the two people that decided that they should argue with me but their opinions really didn't matter to me >_< (You know who you are) Also this is my favorite song right now, so listen to it. If you don't like Hip-Hop then don't listen to it.

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